Monday, November 8, 2010

Mike Huckabee to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney: You've Got a Friend

To get you in the mood to read this post, you need to start this video:

During an interview on Greta Van Susteren's Show on Friday, Mike Huckabee made a very interesting comment for a potential Republican presidential candidate: He defended the Obama administration against right-wing attacks that the India trip is too costly.

"It's an expensive trip. But the reality is, it costs a lot of money to take a president and all the necessary security, especially in a country like India, where there have been a lot of terrorist bombings and things have to be carefully managed."

On a possitive note: In his last statement in the video, HE AGREES WITH MITT ROMNEY on one important point. He states that Health Care Programs should be "road tested in states and not thrust at the federal level at one time". Romney also agrees that States should be the experimental grounds for such reforms. That's exactly what Massachusetts did. Romney would disagree with him however that NO ONE PLAN should be thrust on the American People at any time. INDIVIDUAL states should determine their own needs and pass state laws accordingly.


Anonymous said...


kelly said...

Great find Bosman. Lets see him criticize Romney on this again.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Huckabee isn't a stupid as I thought he was.


carlo said...

He had to admit this or he would appear as someone who believes health care in America is not an issue.

I agree also, it will be hard for him to condemn Romney now if they are both candidates in 2012!

Revolution 2012 said...

Great Ammo against Huckabee, next time he condemns Romney for MA Health Care.