Monday, November 15, 2010

Newt Gingrich Defends Mitt Romney and the Massachusetts Insurance Plan

During an interview scheduled for an upcoming The Brody File on CBN, Newt Gingrich is asked a question by David Brody about the Massachusetts Health Care Law:

Here is the transcript of the exchange:
Newt Gingrich: “Governor Romney’s made very clear that he favors absolute repeal of Obamacare and that he believes it’s not accurate and not fair to try and compare the two and I think you have to start with that and I also think in all fairness to Governor Romney that he vetoed many provisions that the liberal Democrats in the Massachusetts state legislature added to the bill and they overrode his veto so I think if you’re going to go back and look at the original Romney bill you’d have a much better bill and a much more practical bill than what the liberal Democrats did to the legislation because they literally overrode his veto on a whole series of items.”
David Brody:  “And so it’s not as clear cut as people make it?”
Newt Gingrich: “Yeah. I think it’s not but that will be part of the dialogue. People will talk about my record and they’ll talk about Mitt’s record and if others get in Palin, Huckabee, Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty I mean it could be a pretty big crowd, Rick Santorum. Everybody’s record will be up for grabs and it ought to be up for grabs. You don’t pick the person to represent your party for the leadership of the most complex, most powerful and most prosperous country in history just out of a grab bag. You ought to have a chance to ask that person virtually anything and then you render judgment. You decide look is this the person I think can do that?”
Kudos to Newt. I guess he believes that facts are stubborn things!


Right Wingnut said...

First, Newt sits on a couch with Pelosi to record a global warming ad, and now this. The downward spiral continues among the base. I doubt he would do this if he was intending to run, unless he's the dumbest political strategist on the face of the earth. It's fine to deflect without defending RomneyCare to this degree. I suspect he's angling for a VP pick this time.

Right Wingnut said...

Soon, Newt will be joining Huck in the empty swimming pool.

kelly said...

Right Wingnut,

You sound disappointed. Don't you agree with Newt? If not, where do you disagree?

Anonymous said...

Gingrich might have a lot of personal baggage, but he's NOT stupid.


phil said...

Good for Newt. It was a classy thing to do.

Corep said...

this has to hurt cause if the one person that could give Romney an instant real fight for the right of center and center of the GOP is defending him against the far right argument against Romney then you may be seeing some early signs of coalescence behind Romney and that just might limit a Barbour from deciding to throw in.

on the other hand you could read this to mean that Gingrich is probably running when he talks about his record against the others he lists.

zappo said...

This could also be a message to Romney, don't bring up my baggage and I won't bring up yours.

Corep said...

i dont know zappo. It goes beyond a warning shot across the bow. It really says to people that they have it wrong on Romneys position.

and if it is a message then why put something out there that in effect blunts any future attempt to repudiate it. (it being Newts comments if he were to go against teh MA plan)