Sunday, January 12, 2025

The COVID Coverup Shows How a Treasonous Shadow Gov Controls Biden: The Biden Administration Came Out of a Chinese Biolab; For 4 Years, America Had No President: Biden was Not Running the Country. A Small Insider Cabal Was, and other C-Virus related stories

The COVID Coverup Shows How a Treasonous Shadow Gov Controls Biden
The Biden administration came out of a Chinese biolab.
Over 1 million Americans were killed by a Chinese biological weapon. That same biological attack also elected a president whose administration took the lead in covering up the attack.
And that COVID coverup also showed how an unelected and treasonous shadow government had taken control of the Biden administration and of the United States of America.
The pandemic was the most devastating attack on America since Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and determining responsibility for it was the most crucial question of the day. Early efforts to assign responsibility to Communist China had been countered with propaganda and censorship.
But by the time that the Biden administration took office, the ‘lab leak’ theory arguing that Chinese tampering in a laboratory had created the pandemic could no longer be suppressed.
The National Intelligence Council was tasked with conducting a “90-day sprint” to determine the origins of COVID-19 as allegations grew that it had come out of a Chinese Communist biolab. The head of Global Health Security for the National Intelligence Council was a former World Health Organization (WHO) consultant: a group that had been accused of being compromised by China and which had vocally denied any possibility that the virus had come from a lab.
The report was completed and Biden was briefed on the “official conclusion” that the virus was a natural phenomenon. In reality, as the Wall Street Journal report revealed, figures on the Council deliberately withheld and suppressed materials from analysts at the FBI and the Defense Intelligence Agency who believed that a ‘lab leak’ was the most likely explanation.
Biden was not allowed to hear any of that information. And that really meant that he wasn’t allowed to make a meaningful decision about one of the most critical issues facing him.
What was at stake in the debate over the origins of the COVID pandemic was the president’s responsibility to confront and address the worst episode of biological warfare against the United States since WWI. Not only was Biden mentally unable to deal with it, but a shadow government had been put into place to control his actions by denying him the information needed to reach a decision. Rather than Biden being in charge, it was his gatekeepers who were calling the shots.
The treasonous outcome of that shadow government decision was that America never confronted the complicity of China, or the American and international organizations like WHO, in the pandemic. And since it was that pandemic, more than anything else, that brought Biden and his political palace guard to power, the China cover-up may be no coincidence.
If the pandemic had been natural in origin, then so was Biden’s presidency, but if the pandemic had come out of a Chinese bio-lab, then Biden’s presidency had also come out of that same lab.
And figures in the shadow government surrounding Biden appeared determined to cover it up.
As the Biden administration’s final days wind down, more figures from the administrations have described how the man officially serving as president was actually inside a political cocoon, out of contact with his Senate-confirmed cabinet members, with all interactions controlled by a small group of staffers who were the ones who appeared to be making all of the decisions. --->READ MORE HERE
For 4 Years, America Had No President:
Biden was not running the country. A small insider cabal was.
The Wall Street Journal has an article delving into the efforts to cover up Biden’s mental state. But the article raises as many questions as it answers. I won’t dwell on the umpteenth revelations that Biden had bad days, that he had trouble remembering lines or figuring out where he was supposed to go.
While preparing last year for his interview with Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents, the president couldn’t recall lines that his team discussed with him. At events, aides often repeated instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage, that would be obvious to the average person…

If the president was having an off day, meetings could be scrapped altogether. On one such occasion, in the spring of 2021, a national security official explained to another aide why a meeting needed to be rescheduled. “He has good days and bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow,” the former aide recalled the official saying…

Administration officials noticed that the president became tired if meetings went long and would make mistakes…

These aides, which include Annie Tomasini and Ashley Williams, were often with the president as he traveled and stayed within earshot or eye distance, the people said. They would often repeat basic instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage.
This has been old news for a while and hardly anyone except a few insiders is even denying the obvious.
The real question is who was actually running the country?
We already knew that Biden had limited interaction with cabinet members. The article amplifies that.
Interactions between Biden and many of his cabinet members were relatively infrequent and often tightly scripted. At least one cabinet member stopped requesting calls with the president, because it was clear that such requests wouldn’t be welcome, a former senior cabinet aide said…

Multiple former senior cabinet aides described a top-down dynamic in which the White House would issue decisions and expect cabinet agencies to carry them out, rather than making cabinet secretaries active participants in the policymaking process. Some of them said it was hard for them to discern to what degree Biden was insulated because of his age versus his preference for a powerful inner circle.
And prominent members of Congress hardly interacted with Biden. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to relevant/related stories and resources:

Michiganders moved to rural counties in wake of pandemic

The most iconic images taken during the covid-19 pandemic

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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