Monday, January 13, 2025

Behind Closed Doors: The Spy-World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak: The Idea That the Pandemic’s Origins Lie With a Research Facility in China Was Once Labeled a Conspiracy Theory; We Can Never Know How Evil These People Were: But We Might Get a Glimpse, and other C-Virus related stories

Behind Closed Doors: The Spy-World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak:
The idea that the pandemic’s origins lie with a research facility in China was once labeled a conspiracy theory
A car and driver had been readied to whisk Jason Bannan from FBI headquarters early one morning in August 2021 to brief the White House on a novel virus that was killing hundreds of thousands of Americans and had stopped the world in its tracks.
Bannan had been told by his superiors to be on hand in case the Federal Bureau of Investigation was asked to join a top intelligence community briefing for the president. But the White House summons never came.
Bannan, a Ph.D. in microbiology, had joined the bureau after the September 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington when the agency bulked up its expertise to deal with the threat of germ weapons, toxins and other weapons of mass destruction.
But for more than a year he had spent most of his waking hours on the Covid-19 virus that had seeped out of China in 2019.
Frustrated by China’s stonewalling, President Biden had ordered an urgent assessment by the U.S. intelligence agencies and national laboratories on whether the virus had leapt from an animal to a human or had escaped from a Chinese lab that had been doing extensive work on coronaviruses.
The dominant view within the intelligence community was clear when Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, and a couple of her senior analysts, briefed Biden and his top aides on Aug. 24. The National Intelligence Council, a body of senior intelligence officers who reported to Haines and that organized the intelligence review, had concluded with “low confidence” that Covid-19 had emerged when the virus leapt from an animal to a human. So did four intelligence agencies.
At the time, the FBI was the only agency that concluded a lab leak was likely, a judgment it had rendered with “moderate confidence.” But neither Bannan nor any other FBI officials were at the briefing to make their case first hand to the president.
“Being the only agency that assessed that a laboratory origin was more likely, and the agency that expressed the highest level of confidence in its analysis of the source of the pandemic, we anticipated the FBI would be asked to attend the briefing,” Bannan recalled in his first on-the-record interview on the subject. “I find it surprising that the White House didn’t ask.”
A spokeswoman for the Director of National Intelligence’s office said that it wasn’t standard practice to invite representatives from individual agencies to briefings for the president and that divergent views within the intelligence community were fairly represented.
“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Intelligence Council’s work on Covid-19 origins complied with all of the Intelligence Community’s analytic standards, including objectivity,” the spokeswoman said.
But an investigation by The Wall Street Journal shows that the disagreements among intelligence experts over what should be included in the report ran deeper than is publicly known. Nor were the FBI scientists the only ones who believed that the intelligence directorate’s review didn’t tell the whole story.
Three scientists at the National Center for Medical Intelligence, part of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency, conducted a scientific study that concluded that Covid-19 was manipulated in a laboratory in a risky research effort. But that analysis was at odds with the assessment of their parent agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and wasn’t incorporated in the report presented to Biden.
The DIA Inspector General’s office opened an inquiry in the spring into whether the scientists’ assessment was mishandled or suppressed, people familiar with the matter said. A spokesman for the agency declined to comment on whether this inquiry was continuing, had been completed and what it might have included.
Five years after Covid-19 first emerged, the origin of the virus that killed more than 1.2 million Americans and over seven million people worldwide has yet to be established. The pace of U.S. intelligence investigation has slackened, as many intelligence analysts who were assigned to the crash effort have shifted to other priorities. --->READ MORE HERE (or HERE)
We Can Never Know How Evil These People Were:
But we might get a glimpse.
As those whom the media have protected may finally be exposed for their actions, we might start to get a glimpse of how evil certain people have been both at home and abroad.
Joseph Stalin was a mass murderer. He was also, unfortunately for humanity, a fairly smart guy. He made many observations such as it does not matter who votes but rather who counts the ballots. Or when pressed to get the Pope to come out against the Nazis, he asked how many divisions the Pope had available to fight. One of Stalin’s more famous comments was “One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.” There is absolutely no way to know how many people Joe Stalin, Adolph Hitler or Chairman Mao killed. If one searches for the number, he might find quite a broad range, plus or minus a couple million. There is no way to know how evil these people were. We may know a great deal but we will never have a final accounting.
During Stalin’s reign, much of the Western intellectual set and the press warbled on about the wonderful Workers Paradise that was the Soviet Union. They knew of Stalin’s brutal actions in Ukraine and the resulting famine, but they would not report it. It was not until Nikita Kruschev denounced his predecessor that a green light was given to the New York Times and other newsrooms to report about the gulags, starvation, show trials, and summary executions. The press was rooting for Stalin and the anti-Capitalistic system for as long as they could. When the jig was up, they decided to try something new: report the news.
As the Trump transition is only a few weeks away, will we have a similar national experience of finding out more about the damage that Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates and others protected by the press did? There are many things we know, in part due to websites like this one and the newly freed X social media juggernaut. But still, there is a good deal that we don’t know—and may never know. I remember that when Obama ran for the presidency for the first time, the LA Times said that it had a video of a younger Obama speaking with a known Israel-hating professor. They said that they would never let the video see the light of day. But isn’t it their job to report the news? Aren’t they supposed to help us better understand the world in which we live? No. Their sole job is to protect the system that they have bought into. And that system may be going under when Donald Trump raises his right hand and once again swears to uphold the Constitution.
Can we ever know how much money Hillary Clinton directed to the Clinton Foundation in return for favors from the sitting secretary of state? How about the Bidens? We have seen snippets of their corruption through former business partners and of course the Hunter laptop. Can we know how much money they received and from whom? Do we know everything they did for the advancement of their partners’ interests at the expense of American needs and advantage? We will never know all of the details, even if there is a special counsel. The same is true for Barack Obama. We know from a hot mic that he promised Vladimir Putin to be more “flexible” after the 2012 election. He sent pallets of money to the mullahs to help them continue their terror activities. But can we ever know how many individuals and companies suffered because of the actions of Obama and his coterie? How many companies fired employees as federal monies were directed to favored green losers? How much of our tax money was wasted on trash companies only because the owners or investors gave a lot of money to the Obama or Biden campaigns? Like with Covid, we will never have an accurate number of those damaged and how many trillions destroyed. --->READ MORE HERE
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USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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