After the election, leftists cope with national rejection.
The Left is a religious movement. Its manic enthusiasms are fueled by the conviction that it can and will save the world. But what happens if the world does not want to be saved by the Left?
That is the dilemma of the 2024 election for believers in the ‘right side of history’.
In 2000 and 2016 leftists resorted to conspiracy theories to explain not only to us but to themselves why they did not really lose, but the 2024 election was a landslide in which not only the electoral college, but the popular vote, not only straight white men, but the entire spectrum of the electorate rejected not just Joe Biden, but his black female girl power ringer
When the Left lost the working class, it blamed the loss on racism. The factory workers and coal miners, the proletariat on whom generations of leftists had pinned their hopes for a national regeneration, were cast out for their whiteness. Henceforth, minorities would be the standard bearers for transforming the national culture and inheriting power at the dawn of the new age.
Now that virtually every minority group except black women has turned on them, what’s left?
Apart from the essays explaining why black women and ‘trans kids’ are the only virtuous minorities still out there (often written by straight white men) there isn’t a backup plan.
The problem was built into the leftist paradigm which seeks to identify and elevate oppressed groups, but the more those groups are elevated, the less need they have for the Left, and the more likely they are to object when their former patrons start wrecking all their achievements.
Everyone has something to lose and those with the most to lose are not the children of the rich trashing the system, but those near the bottom who are the most vulnerable to social chaos.
Unleashing BLM made black voters much more concerned about crime and opening the borders got former generations of California illegal aliens to wave Trump flags. The divisiveness of identity politics sounds good when it means cutting ahead in line for college admissions, job placement and other special privileges, but everyone except Ivy League grads sours on it when it means criminals and migrants overrunning their neighborhoods.
The Left campaigns on social change, but what it’s really after is revolutionary change. Social change alters the rules while revolutionary change destroys the whole system. There are a lot of takers when social change under names such as ‘equity’ is rigging the system to favor designated ‘oppressed’ groups, but far fewer of them want to stay around to watch it all burn.
But if the ‘oppressed’ groups just cash in their social change chips for a house in a nice neighborhood with two cars in the garage, how is the revolution ever going to happen?
The Left is a long way from actually losing the minority vote, but 2024 was the most urgent in a series of warnings, especially from Latinos and Asians, that they want stability and a prosperous economy a whole lot more than they want woke nonsense like ‘Latinx’ or ‘StopAsianHate’.
That’s the same message the white working class delivered during the era of the counterculture.
The working classes, of whatever race, rejecting the culture war is small surprise. The average black or Latino family has as much sympathy for drag queen story hour as the white steelworkers of another era did for hippies. A rainbow coalition encompassing racial and ethnic minorities, and the alphabet alliance of upper class fetishes, was a fantasy anywhere outside the activist echo chambers where ‘Fags for Hamas’ is an actual movement not a Gutfeld joke.
Decadent culture wars were a means to an end (much like the elevation of minorities) and were quickly stamped out in the aftermath of every successful Communist revolution. After the 2024 election, a ‘reconsideration’ of transgenderism is already underway in the movement.
The same media that spent a decade stomping on the dreams of thousands of female athletes is now willing to consider throwing transgenders overboard if they hold back the cause. As quickly as women were erased, transgenders can be erased and women brought back.
The Left can sideline the culture war, but it can’t sideline the revolution. --->READ MORE HERE
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