Thursday, September 5, 2024

Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews: Summer of Antisemitism Goes Back to School: Back-to-school shopping includes paramilitary gadgets and gear. Pepper spray is positively de rigueur. Keffiyeh scarves are being sold at student bookstores

Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews:
65% of Muslim students either hate Jews or Israel.
Campus antisemitism is a problem, but reports focus on the experiences of Jewish students rather than the identity of the perpetrators. Media reports hesitate to name anyone. Jewish organizations zero in on campus hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, but that only tells us so much about why antisemitism has become so widespread at certain universities.
Brandeis University’s Center for Modern Jewish Studies recently conducted a survey asking college students about their views of Jews and Israel. And the results are revealing.
66% of students, the vast majority, did not hate Jews or Israel.
While leftist students only make up 14% of overall students (less than the 17% who identify as conservative), they made up a full 43% of students who were hostile to Israel. The remaining 46% of those hostile to the Jewish State identified as “liberal”. Those activists associated with campus encampments and other forms of harassment are a small minority of leftist extremists who have used student organizations and political complicity to wield disproportionate power.
Liberal Jews have embraced diversity as the solution to hate, but diversity causes antisemitism.
White students were surveyed as the least likely to hate Jews. Twice as many black, Hispanic and Asian students as white students ranked as “hostile to Jews”. While black students were slightly ahead in the small “extremely hostile” group, Asians were slightly more hostile to Jews than any other minority group. This may reflect academic competition between Jewish and Asian students, Chinese government support for Hamas or some Muslim students being grouped together with Asians.
Only 10% of white students were hostile to Jews, however 23% of Asian, 22% of black and 22% of Hispanic students were hostile to Jews. That meant they agreed with statements such as “Jewish people talk about the Holocaust just to further their political agenda” and “Jews should be held accountable for Israel’s actions”. 26% potentially held favorable views of Hamas.
And that brings us back to the question of which group of students hates Jews the most.
Christian students were overall the least hateful toward Jews and Israel. (4% of Christians were more antisemitic than the average but this may reflect the inclusion of some minority students or the impact of ‘Groypers’ and other social media influencers like Candace Owens.)
72% of Christian students, 65% of atheists and agnostics and 60% of ‘other religion’ students were not hostile to Jews or Israel, so that majorities of every belief system were not antisemitic.
Muslim students were the only group where the numbers were the exact opposite.
65% of Muslim students either hated Jews or Israel. Only 29% were non-hostile.
These numbers represent a complete break from those of any other group. No single group on campus, even leftists, hates Jews nearly as much as Muslims do.
Revealingly, more Muslims hate Jews than hate Israel.--->READ MORE HERE
Photo by Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images
Summer of antisemitism goes back to school:
Back-to-school shopping includes paramilitary gadgets and gear. Pepper spray is positively de rigueur. Keffiyeh scarves are being sold at student bookstores.
Antisemitism is headed back to school. The summer recess was well spent, with Middle East faculty militarizing their lesson plans and pro-Hamas coffers resupplied by Qatar and Iran. Students have been practicing their anti-American, anti-Israel, antisemitic slogans. There are so many to learn nowadays, and being out of sync is uncool. Many took time away for intensive flag-burning weekend retreats.
Back-to-school shopping this year includes a wide selection of Kevlar vests and an assortment of paramilitary gadgets and gear. Pepper spray is positively de rigueur. Keffiyeh scarves are being sold at student bookstores, each embossed with the college’s colors and team mascot. The one for Notre Dame is especially fetching. Go figure: Catholics wearing keffiyehs.
Student activism is now an official major within the Illiberal Arts. Genocide Post-Colonial Anti-Racist Gender Queer Studies is a mandatory course—even for math majors, although the math, science and engineering curricula are all being re-evaluated for racial bias.
Last year’s nationwide campus turmoil, where the Hamas savages of Gaza were shown more love than college football teams, convinced students, and especially faculty, that college is nothing but a progressive playpen—a laboratory for the undoing of democracy. Twisted notions of academic freedom and “shared governance” mean that henceforth, university life will provide a safe haven for bored students demanding advanced credit in socially acceptable antisemitism.
If you thought last year’s pro-Hamas encampments and building takeovers were bad, in all likelihood this year’s will be worse. The lesson of last year is that nearly anything can be done in the name of Palestinian liberation. All will be forgiven—no disciplinary measures, no forfeiture of degrees and surely no jail time.
Antisemitic prodigies have now matriculated to a new level of unabashed Jew-hatred. And no one within the academy seems the least bit interested in putting a stop to it.
Just last week, the president of Columbia University resigned. Three of her deans left their posts over the summer, flagged for text messages that trafficked in antisemitic tropes.
At least Columbia’s president lasted longer than her equally feckless Ivy League sisters from Harvard, Penn and Cornell. Those and other universities are facing civil lawsuits and Title VI civil rights investigations from the Justice Department for failing to safeguard campus life for Jewish students. Hard to fathom, but tuition dollars allowed pro-Hamas protesters to deny Jews access to classes and campus facilities—intimidating and harassing them along the way.
Over the summer, a California federal judge ruled that UCLA had permitted that very thing. The court issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting such overt discriminatory treatment, ruling that Jewish faith and Israel’s existence are inextricably linked, invoking the First Amendment’s Free Exercise of Religion Clause.
A federal judge in Boston delivered a similar injunction against Harvard, finding it plausible that Jewish students were afraid to attend classes while the university remained indifferent, holding to the absurd excuse that anti-Jewish activity is protected speech under the First Amendment.
Brown, Columbia and New York University settled similar cases over the summer. But did the caretakers of American colleges learn any lessons from these actions, or are these lawsuits mere nuisances—cheaper to settle them with a check than to rein in tenured faculty and temper their own hatred of the Jewish state?
Here’s a shocker: College presidents don’t seem to be motivated by money. Ivy League universities lost hundreds of millions of dollars in endowed alumni support from Jewish donors who were appalled by the antisemitic spectacles at their alma maters. None of the money has been recaptured because the schools have done nothing to assuage their former benefactors.
Indeed, it has all gotten worse. --->READ MORE HERE
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