Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Unburdened Campaign: When You Fake Everything, Anything is Possible; Kamala’s Snake Oil to “Cure” Biden-Harris Inflation

The Unburdened Campaign:
When you fake everything, anything is possible.
“What can be, unburdened by what has been,” Vice President Kamala Harris recites looking into the cameras, into her teleprompter and into the glare of the afternoon sunshine in a swing state.
Unburdened by the laws of her economics, her past track record or reality, anything is possible.
The much mocked phrase has become to her brand what “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” was to Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. The twin statements of faith, their awkward construction of both deliberately echoing the cadence of old school preachers and new school gurus, are transformative in very different ways. Where Obama appeared to be offering his followers the opportunity to participate in a new revolution, Kamala offers her supporters the rebirth of forgetting that the old ever existed.
It is easy to see why “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” spoke to a man so convinced of his chosenness that he he was planning to be president even before he came to America. The only con in the phrase was the “we”. “What can be, unburdened by what has been,” is equally compelling to Kamala who constantly remakes herself to the needs of the moment. ‘Kamala for the People’, her 2020 presidential campaign, was launched using her credentials as a prosecutor only to have her endorse police defunding and freeing all the criminals once she saw which way the winds were blowing.
Despite all the unburdening, Kamala in 2024 is much the same way hack she was in 2020. In 2020 she proposed to wipe out health insurance while in 2024, she proposes price controls that would wipe out private enterprise. But being unburdened means she does not have to care about any of that. Now she runs again, unburdened by her past views on banning fracking and bailing out race rioters. She assents to an arms embargo on Israel while her spokesmen loudly deny she believes in any such thing.
Forget being burdened by the past of years past, Kamala isn’t even burdened by the past 5 minutes.
Letting go of the past is cathartic for Kamala as it must be for a woman who started her political career as the doxy of an elderly and corrupt urban mayor and is now her party’s nominee by way of a donor coup against another old man. Had Biden not turned weak and feeble, she would have nothing. But that was a few weeks ago and the coup and all the ugly history around it are another burden to be shed.
Obama and Kamala are both the children of lost black immigrant fathers, raised abroad and then brought into the American elite where they realized that they would have to identify with the blackness of their non-American fathers rather than with the white and Indian heritage of their mothers to get ahead in a culture whose biggest political currency was white guilt. But where Obama made his past and his search for identity into his autobiographical brand, Kamala makes changeability her identity. Unlike Obama who pretended to be what he was not, Kamala doesn’t really pretend to be anything: her identity is too nebulous: a day player who commits to no single role and will read from any script. --->READ MORE HERE
Kamala’s Snake Oil to “Cure” Biden-Harris Inflation:
Torching the economy.
“Costs are still too high and on a deeper level, for too many people, no matter how much they work, it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead,” Vice President Kamala Harris said during her presidential campaign rally speech in North Carolina on August 16th. “Like the cost of food.”
Kamala Harris compared, by way of example, pre-pandemic prices for bread and ground beef (when Donald Trump was president) with the prices today on the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. “A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did before the pandemic” she noted. “Ground beef is up almost 50%.”
Former President Donald Trump could not have done a better job himself in describing the failure of the Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies. But Vice President Harris is now speaking as if she were not part of the administration that has overseen the highest increases in prices in four decades. Harris declared that she will start working to bring down prices on the first day of her presidency if she is elected.
Kamala Harris has had three and a half years to start working on bringing down prices while serving as vice president and bragging that she has been “the last person in the room” when President Biden makes policy decisions. But she spent her time making matters worse by casting the tie-breaking votes in the Senate on the two pieces of legislation that fueled the historic inflation – the American Rescue Plan Act and the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act.
Now that Kamala Harris is running for president herself, she is proposing socialist-style gimmicks to “fix” the inflation problem she helped to create.
Kamala Harris’s “cures” for supposedly bringing down costs for the middle class are top-down government price controls and massive spending on new government housing subsidies. Harris’s “cures” will only result in another huge inflation spike if implemented. They are the equivalent of trying to put out a fire by pouring more gasoline on it.
Harris proposed a federal ban on “price gouging” by so-called “greedy” food companies and groceries, which would impose price controls on companies that in fact are barely making a profit as it is. Groceries’ average profit margin is 1-3%, hardly enough for anyone with a modicum of common sense to consider as evidence of price gouging.
Nevertheless, Kamala Harris wants federal bureaucrats to decide if the prices that groceries and their food suppliers want to charge for their products are too high and must be blocked by government fiat. The bureaucrats would be free to use vaguely defined subjective metrics to determine what they believe constitutes an “excessive” profit.
Kamala Harris’s proposal does not even pass the smell test for liberal economists. --->READ MORE HERE
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