Thursday, August 15, 2024

Report: U.S. Government Cites ‘Increased Risk’ Terrorists ‘May Have Illegally’ Received ‘at Least $293 Million’ in U.S. Funding; Veterans Outraged at US Cash Benefiting the Taliban Via the UN: ‘This has to stop now’

Report: U.S. Government Cites ‘Increased Risk’ Terrorists ‘May Have Illegally’ Received ‘at Least $293 Million’ in U.S. Funding:
The United States government revealed there was “an increased risk” Afghanistan terrorists or “terrorist-affiliated individuals” accidentally received $293 million in funding from the Department of State, a report details.
A report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) revealed that two bureaus within the Department of State, the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) had not provided sufficient documentation to show if “their Afghanistan programs complied with State’s vetting guidance.”
DRL was missing “partner vetting documentation” for four of its awards, while INL was missing partner vetting documentation for 19 of its awards, according to the report. Due to this, the State Department was unable to “demonstrate compliance with its partner vetting requirements on awards that disbursed at least $293 million in Afghanistan.”
“According to State guidance, all bureaus are required to perform basic procedures and follow best practices during the pre-award phase, and to perform a risk assessment for each program,” according to the SIGAR report. “SIGAR requested and tested each bureau’s award listing documentation for Afghanistan programs.”
Other bureaus such as the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA), the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), and the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (SCA/PPD) had provided sufficient documentation “showing they complied with” the State Department’s “vetting policies,” according to the report.
“According to State guidance, all bureaus are required to perform basic procedures and follow best practices during the pre-award phase, and to perform a risk assessment for each program,” the report explained. --->READ MORE HERE
Veterans outraged at US cash benefiting the Taliban via the UN: ‘This has to stop now’:
Frustration and outrage are mounting among a bevy of prominent veterans over a report detailing how US currency is flowing into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and propping up the regime that American soldiers fought against for decades.
Late last month, a government watchdog organization on Afghanistan released a report concluding that since December 2021, the United Nations alongside a constellation of other groups has helped funnel some $3.8 billion worth of US currency into the Taliban-led nation.
At times, this includes the UN literally flying US cash into Afghanistan through transportation firms, per the report.
While that money is typically then moved to UN partners in Afghanistan, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) found that the US cash flow has both “directly and indirectly” benefited the Taliban.
“The humanitarian assistance facilitated by the shipments provide indirect benefits to the Taliban by stabilizing and legitimizing them, because the funds allow the Taliban to focus on their priorities and policies instead of providing essential services to the Afghan people,” the SIGAR report explained.
SIGAR also concluded that “under the guise of income taxation, the Taliban have targeted and extorted money from some recipients of direct cash assistance.”
In a separate report released in May, SIGAR ascertained that at least 38 organizations had paid upwards of “$10.9 million worth of US taxpayer money to the Taliban-controlled government.”
SIGAR stressed that “US currency is difficult to trace” and that “the Taliban now have a greater ability to circumvent the controls of the international banking system that are intended to limit the Taliban’s ability to conduct money laundering and fund terrorism.”
In other words, while entities such as the State Department and the US Agency for International Development have processes in place to ensure that American dollars don’t wind up in the hands of organizations like the Taliban, there are workarounds. --->READ MORE HERE

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