Monday, July 8, 2024

God help America: Biden Demands 8 O’Clock Bedtime; Joe Biden's Reported Plan to Sleep More and Work Less Sparks Firestorm

AP Photo/Susan Walsh
God help America: Biden demands 8 o’clock bedtime:
In a recent speech to Democrat governors reported by The New York Times, President Joe Biden said he needs to stop doing stuff after 8 p.m. because he has to get to bed earlier.
Talk about a tip-off to the enemy. What a gift. Anyone want to attack America? Hello, China? Hi there, Iran? Howdy, all you ISIS-linked illegals who’ve crossed into this country and disappeared? Simply wait until about 8:30 pm or so — eastern time, by the way.
That’s plenty of time for the president of the free world to crawl into bed, down his sippy cup of warm milk, and drift into dreamless sleep. Bon voyage! Let the good times roll.
“Biden’s comments about needing more rest came shortly after The New York Times reported that current and former officials have notices that the president’s lapses over the past few months have become more frequent and more pronounced,” The New York Times then wrote.
It’s interesting that The New York Times is suddenly reporting of the befuddled Biden, and doing it in a self-congratulatory way that suggests it’s got the scoop on Biden’s befuddled state — when Biden’s been befuddled since Day One of White House office, and The New York Times was one of the leading news outlets that has covered up Biden’s befuddled mind for years. This is how Democrats and leftists roll, though; they use and exploit until there’s nothing left to use and exploit, and then out with the trash the used and exploited go.
Biden’s been the Democrat Party’s puppet, pushing globalist, Marxist and anti-America agendas into this nation’s politics and culture, all the while giving cover to those who are seeking to destroy the Constitution, destroy the concept of individualism and usher in a state of total top-down governance: communist, at root; collectivist, at the core.
Who’s running things? --->READ MORE HERE (or HERE)
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Joe Biden's Reported Plan to Sleep More and Work Less Sparks Firestorm
President Joe Biden reportedly told a group of Democratic governors on Wednesday that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, according to sources who spoke with The New York Times.
During a meeting at the White House Wednesday evening, the 81-year-old president addressed concerns about his reelection campaign following his first-debate blunder last week, but assured Democratic governors that he was remaining in the race.
The president also reportedly told the governors at the meeting that he needs to get more sleep, noting his numerous foreign trips he took in the weeks leading up to the debate, according to a report by the Times.
The outlet also said that Biden "repeatedly referenced pushing too hard and not listening to his team about his schedule, and said he needed to work fewer hours and avoid events after 8 p.m."
The Times also reported that Biden was asked about the status of his health by Hawaii Governor Josh Green, who is a physician. The president reportedly responded that he was fine, "It's just my brain." Biden's campaign chair, Jen O'Malley Dillon, told the Times in a statement that the president was "clearly making a joke."
The Times cited two people who participated in the closed-door meeting on Wednesday and several other sources who were briefed on the matter. Newsweek reached out to the White House Press Office via email for comment Thursday afternoon.
Questions around the president's health have yet to cease a week after his debate against former President Donald Trump, where Biden's low, raspy voice and repeated gaffes sparked concern over his reelection chances. Several Democrats, including two sitting members of the House of Representatives, have called on the president to step down as the Democratic nominee before November. --->READ MORE HERE
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