Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Lafayette Square Crimes Highlight a Big Problem for the Democrats; Protesters Surround White House, Call for ‘Intifada Revolution’; WATCH: Pro-Hamas Protesters Circle White House, Attack Federal Officer

Thomas McKenna/National Review
The Lafayette Square Crimes Highlight a Big Problem for the Democrats:
As Thomas notes here at NR:
Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters surrounded the White House on Saturday afternoon, calling for President Joe Biden to end U.S. military aid to Israel.
And, per NBC, some of those protestors committed crimes:
Multiple statues in Lafayette Square across from the White House were vandalized during the protest with spray paint, graffiti and painted red handprints. Protesters attached signs reading slogans such as “Hands off Rafah! Stop the genocide!” to statues. Some graffitied slogans such as “free Gaza,” “kill pigs” and “f— pigs” on the statues.
And yet:
Police said they attempted to arrest one person who climbed a statue, but members of the crowd intervened. The police deployed pepper spray and the person got away.
I don’t think that the Democratic Party has even started to grasp with how badly this stuff hurts them. If the summer of 2020 is any indication, “the person got away” will be the final word on this matter. There’ll be no investigation; nobody who “intervened” — read: interfered — will be punished for it; the sum total of attempted arrests will stay at one; and the number of actual arrests will be zero.
Polling routinely shows that the Democratic Party enjoys no reputational advantage on “the rule of law,” on “defending democracy,” or in any other of the categories in which one would expect to see it thriving were one to take its rhetoric at face value. Given Donald Trump’s appalling behavior in 2021 — behavior for which he should have been impeached — as well as his ongoing promises to violate the law, this shocks and infuriates the party and its advocates. But it shouldn’t. Voters are quite capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time, and they are aware that the existence of the sins of Donald Trump does not negate the existence of the sins of the Democratic Party. Online, “but Trump!” is a killer rejoinder. Offline, it just sounds stupid. --->READ MORE HERE (or HERE)
Thomas McKenna/National Review
Protesters Surround White House, Call for ‘Intifada Revolution':
Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters surrounded the White House on Saturday afternoon, calling for President Joe Biden to end U.S. military aid to Israel.
The activists dressed in red and encircled the White House to create a two-mile-long line, representing the “red line” they say Biden allowed Israeli forces to cross by entering Rafah last month. The president had previously said he would withhold aid from Israel if its military entered the city on the south side of the Gaza Strip.
Protesters chanted “Globalize the intifada,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” only steps from the White House. The protest was organized by a range of pro-Palestinian organizations, including CODEPINK and the Council on American–Islamic Relations.
A group in keffiyehs and black ski masks held a banner that read “Jihad of Victory or Martyrdom” and “Al Qassam.” They chanted “Hezbollah, Hezbollah, kill another Zionist now.”
A man wearing a black ski mask and holding a megaphone approached me and asked if I was “Zionist” or “Israeli.” When I did not respond, he followed me and shouted through a megaphone, “Stay away from the Zionist.” He told me he was “with the H-Team, the people who start with ‘H.’” --->READ MORE HERE (or HERE)

+++++WATCH: Pro-Hamas Protesters Circle White House, Attack Federal Officer+++++

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