Thursday, June 6, 2024

Fauci & Co. Need to Pay a Price for Funding Wuhan Lab Research — and Trying to Cover It Up; Fauci ‘Could Be Indicted’ for Destruction of Records, Rand Paul Says, and other C-Virus related stories

Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Fauci & Co. need to pay a price for funding Wuhan lab research — and trying to cover it up:
Bad enough that Anthony Fauci and other top officials flouted the law by funding gain-of-function research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the COVID bug is believed to have originated.
But their attempt to cover it all up only compounded the horror, making it more difficult for honest researchers to understand the virus’ origins.
Now that it’s all in the open, those officials need to pay.
At a House hearing last week, emails revealed that a key Fauci aide at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. David Morens, used a “secret back channel” to hide evidence that a grantee had funded the dangerous research.
Morens bragged about deleting “smoking gun” messages related to COVID’s origins — in blatant defiance of record-keeping laws and in an attempt to obstruct a House probe — to protect Fauci and other colleagues.
He also used a private email address to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests.
In a Sept. 2021 message, Morens noted that he’d “always communicate on gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly” and he’d “delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times.”
In a Feb. 2021 email, he wrote that he “learned from our foia [sic] lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d.”
Could evidence of a coverup be more blatant? --->READ MORE HERE
Photo: Stefani Reynolds/Pool/Getty Images
EXCLUSIVE: Fauci ‘Could Be Indicted’ for Destruction of Records, Rand Paul Says:
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., contends there are grounds to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in America, based on congressional testimony from a top aide to the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
“The most important knowledge that we learned is that [Dr.] David Morens, 20-year assistant to Fauci, was purposely evading FOIA, which is the law. More than that, he was also destroying evidence,” Paul told The Daily Signal, referring to the Freedom of Information Act and Morens’ testimony Wednesday before a House select subcommittee.
“He was taking emails and destroying them,” Paul said of Morens. “When he was asked about it, he said he didn’t know emails were federal records. Nobody is that stupid.”
Paul added later, referring to the veteran government immunologist and his staff: “If Fauci ordered you to destroy these records, I think he could be indicted.”
Morens, former senior adviser to Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified before the House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The select committee said it had evidence that Morens obstructed the House investigation of the origin of COVID-19, deleted related federal records, and shared nonpublic information about the National Institutes of Health with Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nonprofit.
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced it would cut funding to EcoHealth Alliance.
Critics of Fauci have said the NIH used EcoHealth to fund “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, which is suspected to have led to the spread of COVID-19. The term “gain of function” describes a risky process of making a pathogen more dangerous or contagious for the purpose of studying a response.
For his part, Morens apologized in front of the pandemic subcommittee and said didn’t know that using personal email for work purposes violated the National Institutes of Health’s record retention policy.
“I shouldn’t have done that. That’s wrong,” he told the House panel.
During the hearing, Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., asked: “Did you ever delete any official records?”
Morens replied: “We are at the issue of defining what’s a federal record. I deleted a lot of emails. I do it every day.” --->READ MORE HERE
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