Saturday, June 15, 2024

Europeans Waking Up: In the EU Elections, a Good Showing for the Good Guys; Leftists Decry European Voters’ Rejection Of Globalism As A Threat To ‘Democracy’

In the EU elections, a good showing for the good guys:
Just as increasing numbers of Americans, in response to such outrages as the disastrous Biden economy and the unending invasion at the southern border, appear to be shedding their distaste for Donald Trump, more and more Western Europeans, mostly in response to mass Islamic immigration, are rejecting their globalist elites and turning to the right. A month ago I wrote here about New York Times columnist Roger Cohen’s hysteria about the rise of the so-called “far right” in Europe – an attitude that is, needless to say, representative of legacy-media views. Well, this past weekend – specifically, from Thursday, June 6, through Sunday, June 9 – a great many Europeans, casting their votes in the elections for the 705-seat European Parliament (EP), affirmed their support for that fearful “far right.” Not all of the results, but a great many of them, have proven unsettling both to the leftist poobahs in Brussels and to their minions in the mainstream media, and those results provide at least a smidgen of hope that, when it comes to individual freedom and national sovereignty, the continent of Europe ain’t down yet.
To be sure, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, claimed that her so-called “center” – meaning the heart and soul of the EU establishment – had held the line against the “extremes” – meaning, on the one hand, outright Commies, and, on the other, a tiny number of actual right-wing radicals but mostly just proud patriots who don’t like being governed by unelected Brussels technocrats and don’t like seeing their countries transformed by mass (and largely illegal) immigration. Most commentators, however, appeared to have a very different take on the election results than von der Leyen. The Associated Press, for example, spoke of “strong electoral gains for the hard right” – “hard right,” of course, meaning anyone who seeks to strengthen national sovereignty and put a halt to the ever-increasing power of the open-borders globalists. “Voters across Europe,” observed Douglas Murray, “are fed up with being told not to notice mass immigration or not to object.” And Politico (the European one, not the American one) concluded that “Europe’s center of political gravity is veering to the right.” Hurrah.
Following the lead of Nigel Farage – who presided over the campaign to take Britain out of the EU from inside the EU itself, sitting as a member of the EP for two decades – many of Europe’s right-wing political heavyweights, including Wilders, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, and France’s Marine Le Pen, as the AP put it, want “more power in the European Parliament” precisely so that they “can weaken it from within.” And the election results – which began to be released on Sunday night, Central European Time, after the Dutch voted on Thursday, the Irish and Czech on Friday, and everyone else on the weekend – encourage one to hope that these rebels against EU tyranny may well be able to pull it off, to some extent at least.
As with all bloated, power-hungry bureaucracies, the EU’s parliamentary structure is complicated, and the election results can be looked at from multiple perspectives. Most of the national parties that are represented in the EP belong to one of several different groups, or caucuses, based not on nationality but on shared political orientation, and it’s illuminating to see how these groups fared in the election. As of Monday afternoon, the projected results differed, depending on which source you consulted, but according to the latest numbers at the Guardian, the Radical Left group (GUE-NGL), which includes Ireland’s Sinn Fein and 19 other parties, many of them overtly Communist, is expected to lose one seat, dropping to 36. The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), a large group made up largely of parties with the word “Labour” or “Social Democratic” in their names, dropped by five seats to 134. The Greens/European Free Alliance (Grn/EFA) lost big, plunging by 19 seats to 53.
So much for the left. Moving to the center, the Renew group, consisting of no fewer than 47 more or less centrist parties, fell from 102 seats to 79. The center-right European People’s Party (EPP), which is the largest of the seven parliamentary groups and which is dominated by Germany’s Christian Democratic Union crept up from 176 seats to 186, an increase that von der Leyen pointed to by way of substantiating her claim of centrist victory: “We won the European elections, my friends,” she told a gathering of EPP members. “We are the strongest party, we are the anchor of stability.” Of course, in the corridors of EU power, words like “stability” and “continuity” and “order” are far more popular than words like “freedom” and “liberty.” --->READ MORE HERE
Leftists Decry European Voters’ Rejection Of Globalism As A Threat To ‘Democracy’:
Leftists often hyperbolize that questioning controversial elections their candidates win — no matter how many irregularities there are — threatens “democracy.” These concerns, they claim, undermine the will of voters and destroy confidence in the electoral process.
Yet when voters outwardly reject their asinine agenda and candidates at the ballot box, these “defenders of democracy” sing an entirely different tune. Such is the case following elections in Europe this past weekend when voters in several European Union (EU) member states rejected leftists’ globalist agenda by electing right-wing populist candidates to the continental body.
In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party trounced French President Emmanuel Macron’s liberal Renaissance party. According to Reuters, National Rally won 31.4 percent of the vote, which is more than double the 14.6 percent Renaissance received. Le Pen, who previously ran against Macron in France’s 2017 and 2022 presidential elections, espoused hopes that the results will “put an end to this painful epoch of globalism.”
Macron announced in the aftermath of his party’s defeat that he is calling for snap elections for the nation’s legislative National Assembly, which will reportedly occur on June 30 and July 7. The move is seen as a major gamble that could affect the French right’s future electoral prospects.
But Macron is hardly the only globalist to suffer defeat at the ballot box this past weekend. In Germany, left-wing Chancellor Olaf Scholz‘s Social Democrats finished in an abysmal third place behind several right-wing parties. Preliminary results reported by Breitbart News show the center-right alliance of the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union in Bavaria finishing first and the right-populist Alternative for Germany party coming in second.
“The election was also a victory for the populist Alternative for Germany party, which beat out the governing SPD to become the second-largest German party in the EU Parliament, picking up 15.9 per cent of the vote, which will equate to around 15 seats, compared to 14 for Scholz’ party,” Breitbart reported. “The result for the AfD was the best ever for the party in an EU election since its formation in 2013.” --->READ MORE HERE
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