Monday, June 17, 2024

Biden’s Attempt to Show Action On Border No Match for Cartels: Embattled Biden Border Order Loaded With Loopholes 'to drive a truck through'

AP Photo/Christian Chavez
Biden’s attempt to show action on border no match for cartels:
Immigration agents and officers are worrying about the loopholes and workarounds that smuggling cartels and illegal immigrants can use to defeat President Biden’s new border policy rules.
The northern border, already with elevated levels of illegal immigration, is likely to become even more active as would-be migrants attempt to enter from Canada rather than Mexico.
Some young adults may attempt the more straightforward approach and lie about their age to take advantage of Mr. Biden’s loophole that exempts children from his stricter asylum rules.
“Cartels are helping individuals get in by giving them fake documents or telling them to claim juvenile status on entry,” one immigration officer told The Washington Times in an email. “So we are going to have 21- and 22-yr-olds … coming to the border and falsely claiming status for release into the U.S.”
Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner at Customs and Border Protection, said he expects the cartels to increase business by telling parents that their children can be brought into the U.S. easily and adults can join them later.
“This is all smoke and mirrors,” Mr. Morgan said. “The exceptions in this are going to overtake the rule.”
Mr. Biden announced he was flexing powers under the Immigration and Nationality Act that allow him to suspend entire classes of migrants from entry to the U.S. He said he was barring entry of people without legal visas who enter along the southern border.
He created exceptions for illegal immigrant children traveling without parents. He said he was tightening asylum rules, which act as a defense against deportation, but his administration ordered immigration detention offices to post signs reminding migrants of their right to claim asylum.
The order doesn’t affect the roughly 70,000 migrants welcomed monthly under Biden-created “parole” programs. These programs allow otherwise unauthorized people to be caught and released if they preschedule their arrivals.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the president aims to drive migrants to use the programs. --->READ MORE HERE
Jon Michael Raasch/Fox News Digital
Embattled Biden border order loaded with loopholes 'to drive a truck through': critics
President Biden on Tuesday introduced executive actions to limit asylum claims at the southern border, but emerging details of the move show that the block contains significant exceptions that critics say you can "drive a truck through."
"Today, I'm moving past Republican obstruction and using executive authorities available to me as president to do what I can on my own to address the border," Biden said in a speech on Tuesday afternoon.
The presidential proclamation will temporarily suspend the entry of migrants across the southern border once the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over seven days, officials said.
That will stay in effect until 14 days after there has been a seven-day average of less than 1,500 encounters along the border. It is accompanied by an interim final rule from the departments of Homeland Security and Justice. That rule will also apply a higher standard migrants must meet for initial asylum screenings. The move brought criticism from Democrats as well as Republicans and a threat of a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
However, the rule comes with a series of significant exceptions. In addition to not applying to legal immigrants, it also does not apply to unaccompanied children or to those judged to be "victims of severe forms of trafficking." It also doesn’t apply to those who schedule an appointment on the CBP One app at a port of entry, where about 1,500 enter each day. There is also an exception for those who are allowed to enter "based on the totality of the circumstances," which includes urgent humanitarian or law enforcement considerations.
Finally, it allows for the entry of noncitizens "due to operational considerations that warrant permitting the noncitizen to enter."
Those exceptions sparked additional concern from Republicans, who were already sour on the order and believed it was too little too late. --->READ MORE HERE
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