Tuesday, May 21, 2024

UKR Forces Thwart RU Assaults in Chasiv Yar; Vovchansk and Chasiv Yar are Controlled by UKR Forces; UKR Stabilize F-Line in North of Kharkiv Region; UKR Sinks RU Corvette War Ship 'Tsiklon'; RU Military Academy Targeted in Luhansk; RU Loses: 50 Art-Sys, 1400 Sold, 14 Tanks; Downed All 29 RU Drones, LIVE UPDATES and LOTS MORE

Frontline report: Ukrainian forces thwart Russian assaults in Chasiv Yar:
The elite Kraken Special Operations unit, deployed in the Canal District of Chasiv Yar, successfully repelled dozens of Russian attempts to capture the town, forcing the Russian invading forces to change their tactics
On 20 May, there were many updates from the Bakhmut direction. The most interesting updates come from the northern flank of Chasiv Yar. Here, the Ukrainians repelled head-on Russian assaults into the town and forced them to change their approach in an attempt to take it.
In the last two weeks, this front section was stale, with minimal action from the Russians, which decided to hold all assaults with a brief operational pause. This was done to redeploy and accumulate forces for attacks to the north of the town from the direction of Bohdanivka and to the south from Ivanivske. This decision was made after Ukrainians deployed the elite Kraken Special Operations unit to the canal District of the town where the bulk of Russian assaults took place.
Kraken Fighters published a video from Chasiv Yar shortly after their deployment to the area. In the video, we can see the conditions that Kraken and other Canal District troops face. The Russian bombardment was not constant, so the Kraken and other troops relocated around the town in armored vehicles to their assigned firing positions. The troops that were moving on foot must exercise caution from Russian Artillery and drone strikes, so they must run fast in small groups to avoid being hit.
At times of heavy aerial bombardment and artillery shelling, basements of residential buildings are used as shelters for troops to wait out until it is over. We can also see a Kraken fighter firing an 84-shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon from a position in a high building. AT4 has an effective firing range of 300 M, implying that Russians managed to get close to Ukrainian positions during their assaults. At the same time, Ukrainian artillery and drone operators provide fire support to the forces in the Canal District, suppressing detected Russian Artillery and Troop concentrations. In videos published by the 43rd Artillery Brigade, we can see the counter-battery work of German-made papel hitter 2,000 against three Russian Artillery pieces, D20, D30, and a scarce heavy mortar Tilupa.
We could also see the destruction of a TOS thermobaric system. This is the most dangerous Russian Artillery system and is very scarce, so it is a high-priority target for the Ukrainians. As I said in previous reports, Russians had no success storming the front of the town in the Canal residential district, so they made an effort to destroy bridges over the canal. As a result of these operations, Russia managed to destroy two crossings, one in the town and one in the north. However, this only created a short-term supply shortage of heavy equipment as Ukrainians could fix the bridges quickly. In addition, there are many small makeshift bridges for infantry over the canal, so Ukrainian ground troops have no problem reinforcing the units in the Eastern Canal District.
After destroying the bridges over the canal and months of heavy bombardment, the Russians launched a powerful assault on the canal District in hopes of a breakthrough and takeover of the high-rise area. However, the assault group of six BMD infantry fighting Vehicles was quickly detected by drone operators of the Kraken regiment. --->READ MORE HERE
Vovchansk and Chasiv Yar are controlled by Defence Forces:
Vovchansk and Chasiv Yar are currently under the control of the Ukrainian Defence Forces.
Nazar Voloshin, a spokesman for the Khortytsia military unit, said this on the air of the United News telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"The Ukrainian Defence Forces control the city of Vovchansk. The enemy does not give up attempts to capture the city. They [the Russians] are looting the houses of local residents on the outskirts of the city. But our Defence Forces are doing everything possible to prevent the enemy from advancing further and taking any specific actions against the city and local residents," he said.
According to him, the operational situation in the Kharkiv sector remains difficult and is changing dynamically.
Answering a question about the situation in the north of Kharkiv region, Voloshyn said that Ukrainian defenders have managed to stabilise the situation in general, including in Vovchansk.
According to him, counter-attacks are currently underway in other areas of the Kharkiv region's border.
"Our defenders are equipping the occupied borders, strengthening defence in the border areas and continue to focus their main efforts on preventing the enemy from advancing deeper into the territory of the Ukrainian state and disrupting its hostile plans to establish control over part of Kharkiv region, in particular its northern part," the spokesman said.
He informed that the Russian Federation continues to try to break through the defences of Ukrainian units near Vovchansk, Starytsia, Liptsi and Zelene.
"They [the Russians] combine their assaults with air strikes, using aircraft to launch rocket and bomb attacks on Kharkiv and on the settlements of Kharkiv region. Already today, there have been several arrivals of UAVs in Liptsy and Kharkiv," Voloshyn said. --->READ MORE HERE
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