Tuesday, May 21, 2024

House COVID Origins Panel Accuses Fauci Adviser of Obstructing Probe, Subpoenas Him for Public Testimony; House Panel Seeks Release of COVID-19 Origin Secrets, and other C-Virus related stories

House COVID origins panel accuses Fauci adviser of obstructing probe, subpoenas him for public testimony:
A House committee investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic accused the onetime top adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci of obstructing their probe — and subpoenaed him a third time, now to force him to testify before his ex-boss.
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic issued the subpoena to Dr. David Morens on Wednesday, demanding his appearance at a May 22 hearing.
Morens still serves as a senior scientific adviser to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci helmed from 1984 to 2022.
In a cover letter, subcommittee chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) accused the NIAID senior adviser of “intentionally employing dilatory tactics in order to unreasonably stall” his scheduled testimony until after Fauci’s hearing, currently scheduled for June 3.
“This appears to be a poorly veiled attempt to protect Dr. Fauci, insulate him from the actions the Select Subcommittee is investigating, and obstruct the Select Subcommittee’s investigation,” Wenstrup wrote in the letter.
“Accordingly, your actions have left us no choice but to compel your testimony.”
Emails obtained by the subcommittee, Wenstrup (R-Ohio) said, show the stalling tactics discussed by EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak, whose organization used federal grants to conduct risky gain-of-function research.
“Each day of delay helps. They’re trying to book David in for a public hearing between mine (May 1st) and Fauci’s (June 3rd),” Daszak wrote in an April 20 email released by the COVID panel. “David’s lawyers are trying to negotiate and delay his til after Tony.”
Morens’ counsel told subcommittee staff members two days after the email that his client was “unavailable” — and offered four other proposed dates for a hearing, three of which were when Congress was scheduled to be out of session. --->READ MORE HERE
AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File
House panel seeks release of COVID-19 origin secrets:
Two classified State Department documents made public in part by a House subcommittee suggest that Chinese President Xi Jinping was involved in covering up the deadly COVID-19 outbreak.
The heavily censored reports sent from Taiwan to the State Department in July and August 2020 also provide new clues to the Chinese military’s role at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a location that at least two U.S. intelligence agencies believe was the origin of the pandemic.
The redacted State Department reports, once labeled “secret/sensitive” and “secret/noforn” (no foreign dissemination) — were made public by the House Government Oversight select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup has written to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday asking that the full contents of the documents be made public.
“The American people deserve to see the information that is hidden under these redactions,” said Mr. Wenstrup, Ohio Republican.
Mr. Wenstrup said the documents, released to the subcommittee after an earlier release to an open government group, are credible and “highly pertinent” to the panel’s investigation of the origin of the pandemic.
Headings on the documents suggest that “COVID-19 originated from a lab-related accident in Wuhan, China,” Mr. Wenstrup said. The documents also appear to show that the ruling Chinese Communist Party “acted to prevent, and in fact obstructed, a fulsome investigation into these matters.”
One document appears to show “a seamless relationship between the WIV and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,” Mr. Wenstrup said.
The July 2020 document was sent from the American Institute in Taiwan, the U.S. diplomatic de facto embassy in Taipei, to State Department headquarters under the subject “PRC central government — not local officials — responsible for the coronavirus cover-up,” using the abbreviation for People’s Republic of China.
The document then states in subheadings over blacked-out sections that “Beijing knew earlier than they admit” about the disease outbreak.
Another subheading states that a leaked Chinese directive restricted the disclosure of virus information and samples.
A third subhead states that Mr. Xi “lied to obfuscate his role in the cover-up.” Yet another states that the initial disease outbreak in Wuhan could have been contained “if Beijing had not covered it up.”
The second document is dated Aug. 4, 2020, and reveals that a Chinese military contractor helped build the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that the Chinese military maintained a presence at the laboratory after its completion. The military also operated what the document said were “shadow labs” at the institute and there were Wuhan Institute of Virology personnel with possible ties to the military. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to relevant/related stories and resources:

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USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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