Friday, May 17, 2024

Hamas Sympathizers Could Be Added to List That Includes Terrorist Suspects if GOP Bill Becomes Law; Ilhan Omar attacks Sen. Blackburn's 'dangerous stance' On Columbia Protesters; Rubio to Biden Admin: Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Protesters Now

Stephen Yang for Fox News Digital
Hamas sympathizers could be added to list that includes terrorist suspects if GOP bill becomes law:
Legislation being introduced on Tuesday would put terrorist supporters, including those backing Hamas and those who call for violence against Jews, on the no-fly list, as anti-Israel campus protests engulf colleges across the country.
Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., is introducing the No Flights for Terrorists Act, which would put individuals on the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list if they have encouraged violence against Jews, pledged support for terrorist groups, or have been disciplined by higher education institutions for such conduct.
Terrorist organizations are designated as such by the secretary of state, and include Hamas, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Palestine Liberation Front. Currently, the no-fly list is a small subset of the terror watchlist that contains the information of known or suspected terrorists.
The bill is being co-sponsored by Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and comes after thousands of protesters have been arrested at colleges and universities in recent weeks, since the formation of an encampment at Columbia University on April 18.
There have been a number of allegations of discrimination against Jewish students, with students saying they feel unsafe on campus and have been intimidated. One student group from Columbia Law reportedly declared that no Jew is "safe" or "free" until "Palestine" is free.
Marshall claimed that professional agitators are able to promote terrorism without consequences on college campuses.
"Hamas terrorist sympathizers don’t just hate Israel, they hate America and everything we stand for. These Far-Left paid professional agitators are promoting terrorism with no fear of the consequences from this Administration and these University Presidents who are coddling them to safeguard their donor lists," Marshall said in a statement. --->READ MORE HERE
Ilhan Omar attacks Sen. Blackburn's 'dangerous stance' on Columbia protesters
United States Rep. Ilhan Omar, in a Tuesday X post, critiqued Senator Marsha Blackburn’s stance that students encouraging or committing acts of terror on behalf of Hamas should be put on both a terrorism watchlist and the US’s No Fly List.
Blackburn posted on X that “any student who has promoted terrorism or engaged in terrorist acts should be immediately added to the terrorist watchlist and placed on the TSA No Fly List.”
In response to the post, Omar wrote, “A sitting senator labels Americans protesting against a foreign country accused of carrying out a genocide funded with our tax dollars as terrorists and puts a target on their back to be attacked. This is insanely dangerous and somehow no one will condemn it.”
A sitting Senator, labels Americans protesting against a foreign country accused of carrying out a genocide funded with our tax dollars as terrorists and puts a target on their back to be attacked. This is insanely dangerous and somehow no one will condemn it.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 30, 2024
Hamas is a registered terrorist organization in the United States.
All the students protesting in defense of Hamas terrorists should go live amongst them and get a reality check on what they are actually protesting for.
— Marsha Blackburn (@VoteMarsha) April 30, 2024
A precursory look at Blackburn’s past X posts showed that the senator regularly criticized the violence at pro-Palestinian protests and the hostile rhetoric expressed during such events but also that none of her posts labeled all pro-Palestinian protesters as terrorists. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow link below to a relevant story:

+++++Rubio to Biden Admin: Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Protesters Now+++++

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