Thursday, May 23, 2024

F**KING ANIMALS: Sickening New Video Shows Hamas Line Up Female Israeli Soldiers on Oct. 7: ‘Here are the girls who can get pregnant’ ; 'You're so beautiful.. the girls who can get pregnant': Horrifying New Footage Shows Hamas Fanatics Taunt Young Israeli Women With the Threat of Rape and Making Them Have Their Children as the Hostages - One Still in Her Snoopy Pyjamas - Plead To Be Freed

Sickening new video shows Hamas line up female Israeli soldiers on Oct. 7: ‘Here are the girls who can get pregnant’:
Harrowing video released Wednesday shows the moment five female Israeli soldiers, covered in blood and surrounded by the bodies of their massacred comrades, were threatened with rape and kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.
Bodycam footage from the Hamas gunmen shows the moment the young women, operating at the Nahal Oz base outside the Gaza Strip, were handcuffed and pressed against a wall.
In the sickening video, the terrorists could be heard gloating and announcing their apparent plans to sexually assault the soldiers.
“Here are the girls who can get pregnant,” one of the gunmen said.
“You’re so beautiful.”
The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, which released the video, said the harrowing tape shows the horrifying reality of the five hostages still in the clutches of the terror group in Gaza. They were identified as Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa and Naama Levy.
“The video is a damning testament to the nation’s failure to bring home the hostages, who have been forsaken for 229 days,” the group said in a statement urging that the hostage exchange talks with Hamas resume.
“The Israeli government must not waste even one more moment — it must return to the negotiating table today!”
The video, which was shot inside the Nahal Oz base’s bomb shelter, shows the Palestinian terrorists in complete control by 9 a.m. Oct. 7.
The gunmen could be seen inspecting the injured and bloodied women as they called them “dogs” and ordered them to pose for photos with their assailants.
One of the women could be seen with blood smeared across her face, while another was bleeding profusely from her mouth.
One of the Israeli soldiers urged the gunmen to find someone who could speak English with her, while another pleaded with them and told them that she has friends in Gaza. --->WATCH and READ MORE HERE
'You're so beautiful.. the girls who can get pregnant': Horrifying new footage shows Hamas fanatics taunt young Israeli women with the threat of rape and making them have their children as the hostages - one still in her Snoopy pyjamas - plead to be freed:
Screaming terrorists press terrified, blood-stained teenage girls against a wall as they hurl insults and make veiled threats of rape.
These are the horrifying first moments in captivity for the five youngest women held in Gaza by sick Hamas fanatics since October 7.
Now the parents of Liri Albag, 19, Naama Levy, 19, Daniela Gilboa, 20, Agam Berger, 19 and Karina Ariev, 19, have taken the agonising decision to release the footage as their daughters still remain hostages more than seven months later.
It shows one terrorist pointing at Karina, still in her Snoopy pyjamas having been snatched from her bed.
At one point the terrorist appears to refer to the women as Sabaya, an ancient Islamic term that can be used to describe females as slaves.
He adds chillingly in Arabic: 'You are so beautiful.'
Another shouts: 'You dogs, we will step on you,' as Naama is seen bleeding severely, her face pushed against the wall.
'I have friends in Palestine,' says the teenager who volunteered for Palestinian charities and dreams of becoming a diplomat.
Liri can then be heard trying to tell them she can speak English, with terrorists screaming at them to be quiet and sit down.
'Our brothers died because of you, we will shoot you all,' they tell the girls.
Agam, whose mouth is covered in blood, is asked where she is from. 'Israel, Tel Aviv,' the terrified girl responds.
Just hours earlier they had been taken from the Nahal Oz base on the Gaza border doing mandatory national service as observation lookouts.
Agonisingly, it was Naama's first day on base when she was taken.
The Mail first highlighted the girls' plight in January in a powerful article that was shown to the UN and The Hague.
But now the families have released the most harrowing images of their daughters yet as they plead with mediators to restart talks and get their children home.
The 3 min 10 seconds video has been edited by the IDF to preserve the identities of the murdered - meaning it does not show some of the worst violence.
It starts at 9am on October 7 a few hours after the Hamas slaughter of 1,200 innocents began across southern Israel.
The terrified teenagers - their hands tied behind their backs, still dressed in their pyjamas - try to speak to the heavily armed terrorists who are telling each other: 'Take pictures of them.'
In one scene some of the fanatics appear to be praying on the floor next to the captives.--->WATCH and READ MORE HERE
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