Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Biden Gives Dangerous Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watch List a Free Pass During Chicago Fundraiser, Says Trump is the Real Threat to U.S.; House Republicans Demand Probe of Hundreds of Terror Watchlist Migrants Entering US

 Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images
Biden Gives Dangerous Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watch List a Free Pass During Chicago Fundraiser, Says Trump is the Real Threat to U.S.:
On Wednesday, President Joe Biden made a fundraising stop in Chicago – host city for the 2024 Democratic National Convention and claimed that President Donald Trump poses the real threat to our country – and not the dangerous illegal immigrants that continue to cross into our country every single day through our open southern border.
During his 16-minute speech in front of a small crowd at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago, Biden said,
“He [Trump] said the biggest threat, the biggest threat, is these criminals coming across the border. Well, folks, the biggest threat is Trump and what he poses for our democracy.”
The crisis on the southern border – a crisis that was created under the Biden administration, is raising legitimate national security concerns as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection are reporting that an estimated 151 individuals on the FBI’s terror watch list have been caught trying to cross into the United States illegally in 2023 –representing an all time high along the southern border as Chicago politicians scramble to address the migrant crisis now plaguing the city.
Since the terrorist attack in Israel on October 7th, Republican lawmakers in Washington have sounded the alarm that President Biden’s open border policy is leaving the U.S. vulnerable to another attack – this time on U.S. soil. Some lawmakers are even alleging the possibility of Hamas terrorists and other cells entering the U.S. through the wide open southern border. National security experts on both sides of the aisle acknowledge the safety concerns with so many crossing into the country illegally.
Over the last year, streams of buses carrying illegals were dropping people off all over the city day and night, straining resources and forcing the city and state to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to address the surge. It’s estimated that nearly 30,000 migrants have arrived in Chicago since 2022, costing taxpayers more than $400 million to feed, clothe and house them, as legal residents in the south and west sides of Chicago struggle to put food on the table. --->READ MORE HERE
Luis Torres/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
House Republicans demand probe of hundreds of terror watchlist migrants entering US:
Three House Republicans are demanding a federal probe of reports that hundreds of migrants flagged on the terror watchlist have entered the US — and want to know where the new arrivals are now.
The members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and House Homeland Security Committee asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in a Tuesday letter exclusively obtained by The Post to identify migrants from the Terrorist Screening Data Set who are trying to come into the country at and between ports of entry — and those who have already been released into the US.
Intel Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Intel member French Hill (R-Ark.) and Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) told GAO comptroller general Gene Dodaro to open an investigation after the FBI and other intelligence agencies failed to provide answers.
The letter questions how many known suspected terrorists — and their associates or family members — were encountered at the Mexico border and later permitted to enter the US.
It also asks about the policies and procedures that the FBI and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) use to flag migrants on the terror watchlist, and whether the bureau surveils them after they come into the country.
“We also request that your report evaluate the above described CBP and FBI activities under existing authorities,” the Republicans said.
“For any identified shortfalls in such authorities, we further request that you develop and recommend possible legislative remedies aimed at mitigating the resulting national security risks,” they added.
In fiscal year 2023, federal authorities encountered 169 people on the terror watchlist between ports of entry and 80 at ports of entry on the southern border, according to CBP enforcement statistics. --->READ MORE HERE
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