Government-Funded Database Labels Pro-Life Organization As ‘Terrorist Group’:
Students for Life of America, which has 1,400 chapters at campuses across the country, “appears under a ‘Terrorist Group’ label.”
A government-funded database, led by the University of Maryland and ostensibly established to track “radicalization,” is targeting a major pro-life group as “terrorists.”
Students for Life of America (SFLA), which has 1,400 chapters at campuses across the country, “appears under a ‘Terrorist Group’ label in the raw dataset,” according to a Monday article in The College Fix.
The database, called the “Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States” (PIRUS), was funded in part by grants from the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security’s Center for the Study of Terrorism and Behavior (CSTAB). According to the project’s website, PIRUS is a “quantitative dataset of individuals in the United States who radicalized to the point of violent or non-violent ideologically motivated criminal activity, or ideologically motivated association with a foreign or domestic extremist organization from 1948 until 2021.”
The PIRUS database overwhelmingly targets “right-wing” offenders, with more than 1,700 identified compared to fewer than 550 labeled “left-wing.” Ideological subcategories include tabs for “anti-abortion,” “Christian identity,” and “anti-LGBT” but not for far-left radical abortion groups such as those behind the attacks on pregnancy centers or threats to Supreme Court justices.
“We are very concerned about government-funded programs engaging in viewpoint discrimination as they attempt to insinuate that there may be future harms from peaceful pro-life people,” Kristi Hamrick, a spokeswoman for SFLA told the Fix.
According to LifeSiteNews, a pro-life website, “The PIRUS database lists two individuals associated with SFLA who match the description of student members who were arrested in 2020 for attempting to chalk ‘black pre-born lives matter’ on a sidewalk outside of a Planned Parenthood center.” --->READ MORE HERE
Former Agent: FBI Taught Agents Pro-Lifers Are More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorists:
The FBI trained personnel on countering extremism with material from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), according to former special agent turned whistleblower Steve Friend.
In an interview with the Tennessee Informer last month, Friend recalled his experience at the FBI Academy in 2014: “We were shown a video that was produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” The film, Friend said, “ranked people who oppose abortion, pro-life activists, as a greater threat than Islamists.”
“I don’t know if they still show that,” Friend added, “but that’s what we were shown.”
The FBI still relies on SPLC material a decade later, leading a pair of top Republican senators to demand the agency sever ties with the leftist hate group that routinely smears right-of-center associations as “hate groups.” SPLC’s false “hate group” designations led to a domestic terrorist attack in 2012 on the offices of a pro-family organization.
“The SPLC is known for disseminating its ‘hate group’ list, which contains at least 1,225 organizations, to Democrat allies in Congress, Big Tech, and woke corporations on a regular basis,” The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reported last fall. “The activist hub recently aided the Biden regime’s quest to target concerned parents by sullying a dozen grassroots groups, including Moms For Liberty, as ‘anti-government extremist groups’ in its 2022 ‘hate and extremism’ report.”
The FBI also cited the SPLC to target traditional Catholics with counterterrorism resources, according to former agent Kyle Seraphin. --->READ MORE HERE
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