Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Vax-happy 62-year-old Gets COVID Shot More than 200 Times — Leaving Scientists Stunned; German Man Received 217 Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Over a 29-Month Period, Study Says, and other C-Virus related stories

Vax-happy 62-year-old gets COVID shot more than 200 times — leaving scientists stunned:
A 62-year-old man claiming to have received more than 200 COVID-19 vaccines is being studied by experts who say they’ve been amazed by their findings thus far.
Analysis of the über-cautious German, published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, found that the vaccines continued to create antigens and provide increased immunity — even after an alleged 217 doses.
Researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Munich and Vienna approached the unnamed individual after hearing local media reports.
“We contacted him and invited him to undergo various tests in Erlangen. He was very interested in doing so,” said Dr. Kilian Schober from the Institute of Microbiology at Germany’s University Hospital of Erlangen, said in a written statement.
The team found official evidence of 134 Covid-19 vaccines of eight different types over a nine-month period.
The shot-happy sexagenarian claims to have been inoculated 217 times over a 29-month span.
It is not known why the man received such a large number of vaccinations.
The public prosecutor in the German city of Magdeburg, where the study subject lived, opened a fraud investigation to investigate the man’s claims, but never filed charges.
The eager participant provided the research team with blood and saliva samples that had been previously collected, along with new samples. He even insisted on getting more vaccinations after the team had contacted him and provided samples after those had been injected. --->READ MORE HERE
German man received 217 coronavirus vaccine shots over a 29-month period, study says:
A 62-year-old man in Germany still has a functioning immune system after receiving 217 COVID-19 vaccine shots over a 29-month period, researchers have revealed.
The individual from Magdeburg underwent the repeated jabs "deliberately and for private reasons" and against the recommendations of national health authorities, according to a study published this week in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.
"Throughout the entire hypervaccination schedule [he] did not report any vaccination-related side effects," wrote the researchers from Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and University Hospital Erlangen. "We do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity."
The study indicates that the man received his first coronavirus vaccine shot — a single-dose Johnson & Johnson one — on June 3, 2021. He then started getting doses produced by companies such as AstraZeneca and Moderna before heavily ramping up his vaccination schedule in January 2022, at the peak of the omicron variant. --->READ MORE HERE
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USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

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NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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