Need More Proof Biden Was Drugged for the State of the Union? Here It Is:
A great deal hinged on Joe Biden's performance during Thursday evening's State of the Union address. The White House knew more than anything that Biden had to dispel concerns regarding his age and cognitive decline. Naturally, the mainstream media did its part to help shore up this narrative affirming Biden's presidential competence. They wound up choosing the same entry from the thesaurus to characterize his delivery: "fiery."
I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
But it didn't work for those of us who saw and heard Biden's loud and angry delivery, punctuated by constant slurring and slip-ups. One expert says that Biden's performance featured the telltale signs of being medicated.
Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist specializing in elderly dementia patients, pointed out that Biden's increased speed and volume during the address, contrary to his usual slow and stumbling demeanor, could be indicative of stimulant usage, potentially Adderall or another amphetamine.
“[Adderall]’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Lieberman told the Washington Times. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”
As compelling and convincing as Lieberman's theory is, there's actually more evidence Biden was not his usual self during the State of the Union.
I previously pointed to Biden's brief encounter with reporters on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, where he had curiously become his trademark low-energy, glitchy self. His explanation for his use of the word "illegals" to describe an illegal immigrant—which irked many in his party—was, to say the least, unimpressive. --->READ MORE HERE
Psychiatrist sees signs Biden was medicated for State of the Union performance:
A psychiatrist who has worked with elderly dementia patients said President Biden exhibited signs of stimulant use to mask cognitive decline in his amped-up, aggressive State of the Union speech on Thursday.
Mr. Biden, 81, often raced through his remarks with the speed of an auctioneer, loudly shouting his words despite having a microphone in front of him.
Speed and volume of speech can be a sign of using Adderall or another amphetamine, said Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, California.
“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” she said.
Dr. Lieberman, who has not personally examined the president, said the signs of potential pharmaceutical use go beyond how Mr. Biden spoke during the nearly 90-minute speech, but also in his mannerisms.
For example, Mr. Biden typically rests his hands on the podium while delivering a speech from the teleprompter. During the State of the Union, he frequently gestured and moved with his hands at a rapid rate, she said.
At various points, Mr. Biden appeared to slur some of his words. That’s not new for the president, who sometimes slurs his words when he gets excited, but Dr. Lieberman said the speed in which he slurred suggested he was “psychopharmacology helped.”
“It was a word salad on speed,” she said.
Mr. Biden’s unusually energetic performance raised some questions on social media.
“No one is going to remember a single thing Biden says tonight. Everyone is going to remember how weirdly amped up he is and how bizarrely fast he’s speaking,” former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer wrote on X.
Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster and political consultant, wrote on social media that Mr. Biden’s address was “the loudest State of the Union speech I can remember.”
“Let’s see whether undecided voters like being yelled out,” he said.
The White House dismissed the criticism as well as the question about possible drug use. --->READ MORE HERE
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