Hidin’ Biden AWOL as America faces crisis after crisis:
A question an increasing number of voters are asking these days is a perfectly reasonable one: Who the hell is running the country right now?
In looking at President Biden’s schedule just last week alone, the answer to that basic question is as clear as New Jersey’s swamps: On Tuesday, the 81-year-old delivered brief remarks on the Senate’s passage of a supplemental agreement.
When reporters attempted to ask questions afterward, Biden said he had to run but promised to take questions Wednesday or Thursday.
That never happened, of course, and not because Biden had a stacked itinerary to contend with.
But here’s something more disconcerting: The commander-in-chief received Tuesday’s daily intelligence brief not in the morning but at 2:45 p.m.
Maybe he thinks our enemies like to sleep in on Tuesdays.
Or worse, perhaps it’s the president who needs additional snooze time.
Either way, it’s beyond unacceptable, especially given that the world is increasingly on fire and our border is wide open for terrorists to enter. And they have.
On Wednesday and Thursday, it was lather, rinse and repeat: no events on the schedule while Biden received the daily brief at 1 p.m. and 11:15 a.m., respectively.
And Friday, Biden traveled to East Palestine, Ohio, to deliver remarks more than a year after a toxic train derailment sparked serious health fears among residents.
The president then flew directly to Delaware for yet another long weekend at one of his multimillion-dollar homes.
This exhausting work schedule comes on the heels of special counsel Robert Hur’s devastating report stating that Biden only avoided being charged because he “would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” --->READ MORE HERE
Bye-Bye, Joe? CNN Claims That Calm, Cool Kamala Is Taking Charge:
Is it curtains for The Big Guy?
Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.
CNN published a lengthy exposition on Sunday that could have been entitled “Kamala to the Rescue,” for that’s what it was all about; the far-left propaganda organ was trying to sell us on the idea that Harris, after showing herself to be abjectly incapable of doing anything beyond spouting preposterous word salads for as long as Old Joe has been showing off his cognitive decline, is now taking charge, calming the jittery rank-and-file apparatchiks and smoothing the Democrats’ pathway to inevitable victory in November. Nary a cackle was mentioned in the entire two-thousand-word piece.
“More than two dozen sources” — wow! Is that like 51 top intelligence professionals? — “tell CNN that Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the ‘bubble’ of Biden campaign thinking, telling people she’s aiming to use that intelligence to push for changes in strategy and tactics that she hopes will put the ticket in better shape to win.”
Does this sound like the Harris we have seen stating the painfully obvious in the tones of a second-grade teacher to audiences who were being moved for the first time in their lives to question the wisdom of diversity hires? No, this is a new, fictional Kamala Harris that CNN is constructing to follow up on its Sharp-As-A-Tack-and-Clean-As-A-Whistle Joe Biden. Now that the latter has been thoroughly exposed, it’s time for a new propaganda campaign.
And since this is party propaganda and not remotely news, it’s not surprising that CNN tells us that Kamala’s take-charge act is a massive hit: “Multiple leading Democrats, anxious about a campaign they fear might be stumbling past a point of no return, say their conversations with Harris have been a surprising and welcome change, after months of feeling sloughed off by the White House and Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware.” Of course, comrade! They love Kamala, we love Kamala, everybody loves Kamala! --->READ MORE HERE
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