Schumer, Jeffries, Gillibrand and Biden stand by as migrants drive NYC into bankruptcy — call them out, Mayor Adams!
“I did not leave with optimism,” Mayor Adams confessed last week, after spending a day in Washington cadging spare change.
Bonaparte might have said the same of his visit to Russia, in 1812.
But it gets worse:
“It’s going to be up to New Yorkers to navigate this challenge that we are facing,” he said – the challenge being the migration-driven fiscal tsunami now bearing down on his city.
The thing about tsunamis, of course, is that they are not navigable. Pretending otherwise, as a matter of public policy, is either foolish or dishonest.
Pick one.
Meanwhile, all one hears from Albany lately is a howling winter wind – Gov. Hochul also having been struck dumb by the migration crisis.
But her timidity is a grave mistake: Albany is responsible – constitutionally, but also morally – for functionally bankrupt cities. This would include the Big Apple, should it come to that.
Indeed, New York City’s insolvency in 1975 almost dragged the state down too – and it was mostly then-Gov. Hugh Carey’s wisdom, skill and outspoken courage that saved the day.
But this time there is no Hugh Carey – neither in the room, nor in the wings.
There are only Hochul and Adams, acting like innocent bystanders as failed federal immigration policies unravel New York – fiscally, politically and socially. --->READ MORE HERE
The Migrant Crisis and the Urban Death Spiral:
The federal government sets immigration policy. It’s outrageous to make cities shoulder the costs.
Cities are organic entities. They have life cycles. They can thrive and grow or suffer and shrink. As secretary of housing and urban development, I learned this firsthand. Detroit wasn’t always the Detroit of today. San Francisco today is different from San Francisco 10 years ago. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago aren’t what they were 20 years ago. It’s time we opened our eyes to reality. Many cities are going backward.
We are experiencing an unrecognized urban crisis as cities grapple with post-Covid realities. Cities were created primarily as locations for employment. Post-Covid remote work, Zoom meetings, abbreviated workweeks and increased mobility change the basic urban equation. Fewer people need to be in the city to work, and during Covid many adopted new lifestyles and locations. We still aren’t getting people into the office five days a week and may never again. That drop in population ripples across the urban economy, affecting real estate, restaurants, retail and more, and costing sales, income and property-tax revenue.
Rising homelessness, crime and high taxes make cities even less inviting—even unsustainable.
The tipping point for some cities may be the migrant crisis. As an example, New York’s Mayor Eric Adams announced a massive budget deficit caused largely by an estimated $10 billion migrant cost. The deficit requires a reduction in city services, even police and sanitation. This at a time when the No. 1 issue is crime and quality of life. It’s a death spiral. --->READ MORE HERE
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