Sunday, August 13, 2023

There Is No Constitutional Right to ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care; Detransitioner Tells Congress Her ‘childhood was ruined’ by Gender Reassignment, and related stories

Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
There Is No Constitutional Right to ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care:
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee held a hearing Thursday on “The Dangers and Due Process Violations of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Children” and exposed how children are being coerced by adults in positions of authority into life-altering and medically questionable “gender transition” drugs and procedures without anyone having a full understanding of their impact, including the doctors who prescribe and perform them.
The hearing began in a rather unusual way—with a podcast. In a brief clip, Dr. Blair Peters, a self-described “queer surgeon” at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, explained that in the field of “gender medicine,” they are “just kind of learning and figuring out what works.”
He went on to say, “We know almost nothing about these outcomes,” prompting Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., to describe the clip as “nightmarish,” a form of “barbarism,” and proof that these medical procedures should be prohibited by law.
Ranking Democratic member Rep. Mary Scanlon, D-Pa., called the hearing an attempt to “motivate right-wing voters” and impose “ultra-conservative and religious views” onto the rest of America. She seems to have forgotten, however, that no parent has a constitutional right to injure their own children.
She seems to have also forgotten that the federal government and every state and territory have child welfare laws on the books that recognize the appropriateness of government intervention when minor children are being subjected to physical, and in some cases, emotional harm by their custodial parents or guardians.
In fact, a federal appellate court that then included the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg held in 2007 that medical care of any kind is not a constitutional right.
Democratic member Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., led with a monologue on “bigotry” from the Republicans and their attempt to grab “15 minutes of fame.” Importantly, he made a flatly incorrect statement of law: that the federal circuit courts are in “alignment” that state bans on “gender-affirming” care are unconstitutional. --->READ MORE HERE
Detransitioner tells Congress her ‘childhood was ruined’ by gender reassignment
A 19-year-old woman called on Congress to halt gender-reassignment therapies and surgeries for minors Thursday, saying that her “childhood was ruined” by the medical interventions.
“I used to believe that I was born in the wrong body,” Chloe Cole told members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government. “And the adults in my life, whom I trusted, affirmed my belief, and this caused me lifelong, irreversible harm.”
“I speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America,” Cole went on. “I speak to you in the hope that you will have the courage to bring the scandal to an end and ensure that other vulnerable teenagers, children and young adults, don’t go through what I went through.”
The Biden administration has stood foursquare behind so-called “gender-affirming care,” with Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine — herself a transgender woman — saying in May that there was “is no argument among medical professionals … about the value and the importance” of the procedures.
“Adolescence is hard and puberty is hard,” Levine told ABC News earlier this month. “What if you’re going through the wrong puberty?”
“We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they were born wrong, that they are right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable with their own skin,” said Cole, who told lawmakers Thursday that she felt uncomfortable during puberty and told her parents at that age that she wanted to transition and become a boy. “We need to stop telling children that puberty is an option. That they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through just [like] they can choose what clothes to wear or music to listen to.
“Puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood, not a disease to be mitigated,” she added. “Today, I should be at home with my family, celebrating my 19th birthday, and instead I’m making a desperate plea to my representatives: Learn the lessons from other medical scandals like the opioid crisis to recognize that doctors are human too. And sometimes they are wrong.”
Cole’s parents sought advice from specialists who diagnosed their daughter with gender dysphoria and put her on puberty blockers and testosterone therapy starting at age 13. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories:

Politicians allow children to direct their own medical treatment: De-transitioner on gender-affirming care

The Dangers and Due Process Violations of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’

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