Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Obama Factor: “He’s not normal—as in not a normal politician or a normal human being.”

“He’s not normal—as in not a normal politician or a normal human being.”
That was David Garrow, author of the 1460-page Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, in a recent rambling interview with Tablet’s David Samuels headlined, “The Obama Factor.” Barack Obama is the author of Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, published in 1995. On page 537 of Rising Star, David Garrow writes:
“Dreams from My Father was not a memoir or an autobiography; it was instead, in multitudinous ways, without any question a work of historical fiction. It featured many true-to-life figures and a bevy of accurately described events that indeed had occurred, but it employed the techniques and literary license of a novel, and its most important composite character was the narrator himself.” (emphasis original)
“He wants people to believe his story,” said Garrow, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Bearing the Cross. “For me to conclude that Dreams from My Father was historical fiction—oh God, did that infuriate him.” Samuels, who writes for Harpers, the Atlantic and New York Times Magazine, countered that “the pose of being a writer is actually one that he prefers in many ways to being a politician.”
“Oh God, yes. Yes, yes, yes,” said Garrow. “He doesn’t want the writerliness challenged. It’s my story and I’m sticking to it. The book [Dreams] is so fictionalized.” And it “completely omits women. I’ve always thought that there’d eventually be a feminist critique of Obama because his mother and all the girlfriends—they’re not there. They don’t exist.”
As Garrow reveals, the Dreams author wrote to Alex McNear, his girlfriend at Occidental College, “about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.” But there’s more to the man who is “not normal,” such as the question of his provenance.
Garrow’s go-between with president Obama was lawyer Bob Bauer. “Whatever you do,” Bauer counseled Garrow. “Don’t ask him about his father.” In the Dreams novel, the father is the Kenyan Barack Obama, a student at the University of Hawaii. The Kenyan “bequeaths his name” to the American and by the end of the novel he becomes a nameless “old man.”
The Kenyan’s written communications from 1958-1964, housed at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York, make not a single mention of an American wife and son. Perhaps that is why the president formerly known as Barry Soetoro never accessed the archive, also missing from Garrow’s Rising Star.
In Dreams, the author devotes more than 2,000 words to a happy-drunk black poet known only as “Frank.” In Rising Star, Garrow identifies “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist pornographer. On the other hand, Garrow ignores Paul Kengor’s 2012, The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis – The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, which showed the “remarkable similarities” between the politics of the Dreams author and Davis.
The Communist bears a strong physical resemblance to the author but the rising star would “forcefully reject the Davis hypothesis,” Garrow wrote, and “Davis’ Communist background plus his kinky exploits made him politically radioactive.” That is why Barry needed the “historical fiction” of Dreams from My Father, the story about the Kenyan foreign student. --->READ MORE HERE
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