Thursday, August 24, 2023

Biden Set To Make Illegal Aliens Comfortable with New Housing as Part of $40 Billion Emergency Funding Request to Congress; Joe Biden Claims ‘Emergency’ to Get Funding for More Migration

Biden Set To Make Illegal Aliens Comfortable with New Housing as Part of $40 Billion Emergency Funding Request to Congress:
President Joe Biden has asked Congress for $2.7 billion in border-related funding, including money to create new facilities to house illegal immigrant families as they navigate an “expedited” process to determine whether they will be granted asylum in the U.S. or deported.
The administration has requested $40 billion in emergency funding, including roughly $2.7 billion for the Department of Homeland Security’s border programs, Axios reported.
“We do not view this as family detention,” an unnamed DHS official told Axios.
However, though family members could come and go from these facilities during the day, they would be required to check back in each evening and spend the night at the facility, the official said.
Officials told Axios that the new program would relieve the stress on current shelters located near the U.S. border while also allowing the government to better track families that enter the country illegally.
The facilities may be run by independent contractors, potentially including non-governmental organizations.
Axios contextualized the new initiative as part of ongoing efforts by the federal government to cope with the fact that more families are crossing the southern border into the U.S. illegally.
Until roughly 10 years ago, almost all border crossers were single adults.
Most government facilities for detailing illegal immigrants were not designed for families or minor children. --->READ MORE HERE
Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
Joe Biden Claims ‘Emergency’ to Get Funding for More Migration:
President Joe Biden’s deputies are asking Congress for at least $3.3 billion to help resettle millions of border-crossing migrants throughout the United States — plus another $21.6 billion to guard Ukraine’s border from Russians.
The funds for migration are being funneled through various agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The agencies are used to funnel taxpayer dollars to various non-profit groups that transport, feed, house, and train millions of catch-and-release migrants for the jobs and housing that would otherwise go to Americans. identified $3.2 billion to help migrants settle in the United States, plus $416 million for anti-drug measures along the southern border:
… $2.65 billion is for Homeland Security Department efforts, including border management as well as shelter and services for migrants released from custody. That [$2.65 billion request] includes $416 million to help stop the flow of fentanyl over the border with “non-intrusive inspection system deployment.”

The State Department would receive $800 million for its migration assistance programs, and another $159 million would be provided for child labor investigations and enforcement and for immigration judge teams.
The request also seeks $100 million to fly more Ukrainian migrants from peaceful Western Europe into the United States.
It further asks for $13.1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, which has now stopped the Russian advance, and $7.5 billion to support Ukraine’s economy. U.S. taxpayers have spent more than $100 billion to support Ukraine in the war, which has now turned into a high-casualty, no-negotiations stalemate. --->READ MORE HERE
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