Monday, July 17, 2023

Venezuelan Migrant Living Good Life at New York City Taxpayers’ Expense; Immigrants From Venezuela Have Doubled Since 2021 and They Need Deportation Protection, Letter States

Exclusive: Venezuelan Migrant Living Good Life at New York City Taxpayers’ Expense:
Danny, a Venezuelan migrant who recently arrived in the “Big Apple,” is beyond surprised with the accommodations and benefits provided to him. He crossed the Rio Grande in May near Brownsville, Texas, after a grueling trek through Panama, Central America, and Mexico.
Now, Danny told Breitbart Texas he has a clean hotel room, a New York City identification card, free health care and prescription benefits, and recently found a job at a cleaning company. All at the expense of New York City taxpayers.
The video shows the city-provided hotel room where Danny and another migrant currently live. He recently began working for a residential/commercial cleaning company and works four days weekly. Despite not having a work authorization card allowing him to legally work, or a New York driver’s license, his employer hired him and allows him to drive a company vehicle into New Jersey on workdays. The video shows Danny’s drive to work across the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River.
Danny’s journey to New York began in early May when he was forced out of a migrant camp when members of the violent Gulf Cartel burned an encampment he was living in on the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande. Danny told Breitbart Texas of the incident in Brownsville and provided video footage of the camp. He arrived in Texas before the end of the Title 42 protocol.
Danny told Breitbart Texas he traveled from Brownsville to Dallas on a bus trip that cost him $80.00. From there, he and several Columbian migrants managed to scrape up the funds needed to fly into New York City. With no friends or relatives in the United States, Danny said he made his way to a local homeless shelter once he arrived.
The shelter life was chaotic, and for 15 days, Danny says he did his best to avoid any issues with other residents. On the 15th day, he was told he could move to a city-funded hotel in the Bronx. Danny has been at the hotel since mid-May, saying the accommodation is beyond anything he could have imagined. --->READ MORE HERE
Photo by Rosario Marina
Immigrants From Venezuela Have Doubled Since 2021 and They Need Deportation Protection, Letter States:
In an interview with Documented, Attorney-in-Charge of Legal Aid Society’s immigration law unit, Deborah Lee, said that Legal Aid, with support from other advocates and organizations, is ramping up pressure on President Biden to re-designate Temporary Protected Status for people from Venezuela to include those who arrived in the U.S. after March 9, 2021.
Over 111,700 Venezuelan immigrants in the U.S. were granted relief with TPS in 2021. Last year, that status was extended for those who qualified (as being in the U.S. as of March 9, 2021) and will expire on March 10, 2024.
But relief is still needed for those who arrived from Venezuela after March 9, 2021, noted the letter addressed to President Biden today, and shared with Documented.
The number of immigrants from Venezuela arriving in the U.S. has more than doubled since 2021. Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows that in the U.S.-Mexico border alone 48,600 Venezuelans were encountered in 2021; 187,700 in 2022; and 126,100 so far in 2023. The majority of these encounters are of immigrants who are trying to seek asylum in the U.S. as they flee Venezuela due to political persecution, a collapse of basic services, food insecurity, and rampant violence. Venezuelans have been in the top four nationalities encountered at the border including Ecuadorians, Brazilians, and Nicaraguans.
Lee told Documented that she and her team are also talking with city officials about the number of Venezuelans who have recently arrived in the City. That data is difficult to track as City shelters do not request for immigration status during intake in order to protect clients. However, “what they’re also reporting to us is the high percentage of Venezuelans who are coming in, that has been a consistent high percentage of the people who are coming who are currently in New York City shelters,” Lee said. --->READ MORE HERE
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