Tuesday, June 13, 2023

WashPost Op-Ed: ‘Let’s Celebrate’ as Migrants Replace Americans; GOP Rep. Hunt: Democrats’ Migration Pushes Americans into Poverty

AP Photo/Christian Chave
WashPost Op-Ed: ‘Let’s Celebrate’ as Migrants Replace Americans:
Americans should celebrate the inflow of migrants into new jobs throughout the economy, even as many American men remain on the economic sidelines, says a Washington Post columnist.
The “share of prime-working-age men in the workforce still hasn’t matched its February 2020 peak [and] is also far below historical highs,” said the June 2 “Celebrate” column by Catherine Rampell.
But more migrants and women are streaming into new jobs, Rampell wrote, adding, “Let’s celebrate the underdogs helping supercharge our economy.”
Rampell’s column celebrates President Joe Biden’s great migration which has smuggled roughly 4 million migrants over the southern border. The illegal inflow is in addition to the normal airport inflow of roughly 1 million legal immigrants, and the fast-growing inflow of legal and illegal white-collar visa workers.
Biden’s inflow is a sharp change from Steven Miller’s implementation of President Donald Trump’s curbs to migration. Under Trump and Miller, the share of American men in the workforce began to rise — and their wages grew — after decades of managed decline.
Rampell’s posted chart admits that Biden’s migration-spiked economy has failed to restore the share of men who were working during Trump’s term: --->READ MORE HERE
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
GOP Rep. Hunt: Democrats’ Migration Pushes Americans into Poverty:
Poverty is spreading through American communities and cities because the White House allows millions of illegal migrants to flood through U.S. society, Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), said during an immigration hearing on Tuesday.
“This administration decided on Day One … they were going to stop building the walls … going to end Remain in Mexico and we’re going to release,” Hunt told a dramatic hearing at the House’s judiciary committee on May 23.
“For the Democrats, migrants jumped to the top of the [priority] list while Americans are consistently left behind … Let me show you a
real-life humanitarian crisis,” Hunt said. He continued while photos of U.S. cities were displayed behind him:
American cities have been crumbling long before President Biden opened the border — and now that every town that we know of — including New York City — is a border town, it’s about to get worse.

This is Philadelphia. These are not illegal immigrants. They’re American citizens currently living in abject poverty, and this situation is about to get worse.

Greetings from Gary, Indiana. Or is that Eastern Ukraine? Hard to say, but I can guarantee you that if this were Eastern Ukraine, the government will be printing as much money as possible to help them — but not our own American citizens. Not so good for the people of Gary, Indiana, and this is not the Dustbowl or the Great Depression. This is yesterday, and our situation is about to get worse.
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