Monday, June 19, 2023

Migrants Exploit Loophole in Border App to Enter US Without Asylum Appointments; Migrant Who Found Loophole in DHS Policy for CBP One App is Now in Miami

Migrants exploit loophole in border app to enter US without asylum appointments:
Migrants have already found a loophole allowing them to hand themseleves over at the border and claim asylum without making an appointment through the CBP One app — which could effectively open the floodgates for thousands more to turn up at the southern border.
The mobile immigration app was trumpeted by the Biden Administration as the only legal pathway for asylum-seekers after Title 42 ended in May. It allows 1,000 people a day to cross into the US and claim asylum.
After failing to secure an appointment on his own, Cesar Segura read the application’s fine print — which states if “language barriers, illiteracy or technical issues,” stop a person from completing the process online, they can just show up to a US port of entry in person and request an interview according to Border Report..
Since he was waved through last week, 400 more migrants have amassed near the San Diego border, according to the report.
“I tried many times to set up an interview on the app but it never worked,” Segura told the Border Report, speaking in Spanish.
“It was our trump card to play,” he added.
The frustrated Venezuelan, and a few other migrants, had showed up to the San Ysidro Port of Entry and waited four days on the California-Mexico border to learn if their interviews had been granted.
Segura was interviewed by immigration officials, who said he met the asylum-threshold and allowed him to be released into the country legally to wait and hear if he will ultimately be granted asylum in the US — a process that can take years. --->READ MORE HERE
Migrant who found loophole in DHS policy for CBP One app is now in Miami:
Venezuelan not expected in court until June 2026
Cesar Segura said he found a loophole in Department of Homeland Security policy after reading the fine print in regard to migrants being asked to secure asylum interviews online.
Segura said he discovered migrants who can’t set up online appointments via the CBP One application due to “language barriers, illiteracy or technical issues,” can show up in person to request an interview.
On Monday of last week, he walked up to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the San Ysidro Port of Entry asking that he be granted an appointment.
“I tried many times to set up an interview on the app but it never worked,” Segura said last week when Border Report first met him.
Segura, who is from Venezuela, was one of a couple of dozen migrants who had the same idea.
Since then, the El Sol Newspaper of Tijuana reports the number of migrants at the San Ysidro Port of Entry has grown to 400.
After spending four days and “four cold nights” in line, Segura got what he wanted as CBP officers finally called his number and let him in. --->READ MORE HERE
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