Monday, May 1, 2023

GOP’s Bill to Stiffen Border Security Clears Judiciary Committee; House Judiciary Committee Passes Major Immigration Bill

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GOP’s bill to stiffen border security clears Judiciary Committee:
Republicans powered a stiff new border security bill through the House Judiciary Committee overnight Wednesday, brushing aside Democrats’ complaints of cruelty and taking a first concrete step to unravel President Biden’s lenient immigration policies.
The measure passed on a 23-15 party-line vote. It comes as the chaos at the southern border stretches into a third year under Mr. Biden, and just weeks before the administration will give up its most important border tool, the Title 42 powers that had allowed some immigrants to be quickly expelled.
Republicans said their legislation would amount to a reset of the chaos and return the border and asylum systems to what they were intended to be: A chance for the U.S. to have an orderly process for admitting those the country wants.
“We know what the problem is — the failed policies of this administration. We’re working to try to fix those policies and our colleagues on the other side of the aisle don’t wish to join in,” said Rep. Chip Roy, Texas Republican.
The bill still has serious hurdles in front of it.
A group of Hispanic Republicans this week said the bill is not “ready for prime time.” And even if it clears the House, it seems unthinkable that a Democrat-controlled Senate would entertain it, or that Mr. Biden would sign it.
It’s been nearly 30 years since a major piece of immigration legislation cleared Congress. --->READ MORE HERE
FAIR Take 
House Judiciary Committee Passes Major Immigration Bill:
Late Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee debated and passed the Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Act of 2023, an extensive security and enforcement-minded bill that aims to end the Biden border crisis. The final vote of 23-15 fell essentially along party lines, with one Republican voting with Democrats against the bill. The bill now moves to the floor for consideration by the full House of Representatives.
The Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Act offers real policy solutions to secure the border and end catch-and-release. Specifically, it will:
  • Reform our asylum process to deter frivolous claims and prohibit gang members, felons and drunk drivers from benefitting from our asylum system; 
  • Prohibit the DHS Secretary from releasing illegal aliens apprehended at our border, strengthening our ability to detain, remove and return those aliens; 
  • Prevent unaccompanied alien children surges at the border in a humanitarian way, ensuring they are processed expeditiously with family members and sent home;
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