Biden seeks to purge Conservatives from federal jobs:
Joe Biden’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is proposing a rule change on requirements and standards for vetting federal workers. But the updated guidance, if enacted, will effectively authorize the government to purge individuals based on their political or religious beliefs.
Under the proposed change, OPM will add criteria used to establish minimum standards of fitness based on character and conduct. The agency describes “suitability and fitness” as “a decision by an agency that an individual does or does not have the required level of character and conduct necessary to perform work for a Federal agency.”
These are arbitrary and subjective standards, which the agency essentially acknowledges when it separates suitability and fitness determinations as “distinct from the assessment of an individual’s job qualifications.”
Current federal law explaining criteria for making suitability determinations, § 731.202(b)(7), includes as grounds for denying employment: “Knowing and willful engagement in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force.”
That language is now being replaced with four separate criteria, which could be used by government officials to bar employment for individuals who hold political or ideological views disfavored by the government.
Those four criteria are: --->READ MORE HERE
Austin: Doors set to shut on conservatives in federal jobs
When working for the government, Joe Biden is no longer content with the tried-and-true question of patriotism: “Are you with or against us?” In a shocking effort to overhaul federal hiring guidelines, the president wants to ask: “Are you with or against me?”
A proposed rule governing federal hiring is, at best, a bad policy promoting left-wing loyalty over competence. At worst, it’s a stepping stone to undermining fair hiring practices and freedom of speech.
In January, the Office of Personnel Management proposed changes to the federal government’s “personnel vetting investigative and adjudicative processes for determining suitability and fitness.” It explains that this refers to “a decision by an agency that an individual does or does not have the required level of character and conduct necessary” for federal employment. The public has until April 3 to file comments on these amendments before the rule is finalized.
Current policy prohibits hiring applicants found to be involved in “knowing and willful engagement” in trying to overthrow the government. The new policy adds interpretive words like “coercion,” “intimidation” and “indoctrination” of others for “unlawful aims.” It would also exclude people with membership in groups with “unlawful aims.”
If this is clear as mud, it’s obviously on purpose. It can mean “toe the party line, or you won’t have a paycheck to sign.”
It’s a leftist trope that words are violence. So, it’s only a matter of time before bureaucrats use the rule to deny employment, justify firing and generally allow the harassment of conservatives in federal jobs. --->READ MORE HERE
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