Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Shortages Are Coming; Why It’s So Hard To Find These 5 Everyday Items Right Now

The Shortages Are Coming:
Do you remember in early 2020 when they told us that the shortages that we were experiencing would just be temporary? Of course some of them were, but then more shortages just kept on erupting. That wasn’t supposed to happen, and now it appears that our supply chain problems could potentially get a whole lot worse. In just a few short months, we will be three years away from the beginning of the pandemic in the United States. But instead of a “return to normal”, more shortages are on the way. And in some cases, they could even be life threatening.
Let me give you an example. We need Amoxicillin to treat some of the most common infections that our children experience. Unfortunately, the FDA is warning us that we are now facing a very serious shortage of Amoxicillin…
Ear infections and strep throat.

Both are common childhood illnesses, for which the go-to prescription is in short supply, according to a recent nationwide alert from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The warning specifically involves the powder, which pharmacists use to mix liquid Amoxicillin for childhood infections.
This is a really big deal.
According to one recent survey, close to two-thirds of all pharmacies in the nation are having difficulty getting Amoxicillin right now, and the national shortage of Adderall is even worse…
Nearly 66% of pharmacies are having challenges obtaining amoxicillin, according to a new National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) survey of 8000 pharmacy owners and managers, whereas 89% are realizing a shortage of Adderall.
Of course we are dealing with lots of other drug shortages at this moment as well.
In fact, according to the official FDA drug shortage list there are nationwide shortages of a whopping 183 different drugs in the United States right now.
We truly are in unprecedented territory. --->READ MORE HERE
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Why It’s So Hard To Find These 5 Everyday Items Right Now:
The supply chain continues to struggle to meet demand.
The peak of the Covid-19 pandemic is several months past but the kinks in the supply chain have yet to unfurl. Many industries face a mismatch of production capabilities and demand; rampant inflation isn’t helping, either.
As a result, consumers are running into shortages of products from paper to medication—and these shortages can have a deleterious effect on everyday life.
And though some experts are hopeful the supply chain could reach more “normal” levels next year, others are cautioning against being too optimistic.
5 Items Currently Facing a Shortage --->READ MORE HERE
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