Thursday, February 10, 2022

GOP Lawmaker Accuses Capitol Police of Breaking into his Office; Rep. Troy Nehls Claims Capitol Police Disguised as Construction Workers Snuck into His Office to Take Photos of His Files After He was Picked for the GOP Panel to Investigate January 6 'security failures', and related stories

Rep. Troy Nehls. Photo: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images
GOP lawmaker accuses Capitol Police of breaking into his office:
Freshman Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) on Tuesday accused the U.S. Capitol Police of "illegally" entering his office and allegedly taking pictures of "confidential legislative products" in November.
What he's saying: "The [USCP] Intelligence Division investigated my office illegally and one of my staffers caught them in the act," Nehls tweeted.
  • The weekend before Thanksgiving, "Capitol Police entered my office without my knowledge and photographed confidential legislative products protected by" the First Amendment. 
  • He said that days later, "three intelligence officers" attempted to enter his office and ran into one of his staffers, after which they allegedly "dressed like construction workers began to question him as to the contents of a photograph taken illegally two days earlier."
Republican Rep. Troy Nehls claims Capitol Police disguised as construction workers snuck into his office to take photos of his files after he was picked for the GOP panel to investigate January 6 'security failures':
Republican Rep. Troy Nehls claimed on Tuesday that he was the subject of a US Capitol Police investigation that saw officers 'dressed like construction workers' snooping around near his office.
A USCP officers allegedly entered the Texas lawmaker and sheriff's office -- without his knowledge -- when 'discovering a door left open,' Nehls detailed in a statement to reporters.
He said the alleged incident happened on November 20 of last year, after being deeply critical of 'security failures' at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Nehls accused the top ranks of the Capitol Police of 'put[ting] a target' on his back, singling out Chief Thomas Manger specifically and claiming he lied by stating members of Congress were not subject to criminal probes.
A formal investigation into the matter was opened by the USCP inspector general, he announced.
'Capitol Police leadership have put a target on my back, but my work in exposing the security failures on January 6th, the death of Ms. Babbitt, and the sham investigation into the events of January 6 will not be deterred,' he told reporters in a statement. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories:

GOP Rep: Capitol Cops Invaded Our Office, Took Illegal Photo, Returned 2 Days Later Dressed as Construction Workers - Top Cop Disputes

Rep. Nehls accuses Capitol Police of secretly taking photo of documents while in his office

Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

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