Sunday, December 26, 2021

More than 40 Members of the Far-Left Congressional Progressive Caucus Demand Biden Ease Economic Sanctions on the Taliban Regime; THAT WAS QUICK ... Report: Biden Administration Considers Releasing Money to Taliban

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
House Democrats demand Biden ease economic sanctions on the Taliban regime:
More than 40 members of the far-left Congressional Progressive Caucus demanded Monday that President Biden ease economic sanctions and restrictions imposed on the Taliban.
In a letter to the White House and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the lawmakers argued that with the Taliban in control of Afghanistan the sanctions are adversely impacting the country’s population.
“We deplore the new Taliban government’s grave human rights abuses, crackdowns on civil society and repression of women and LGBTQ people,” they wrote. “However, pragmatic U.S. engagement with the de facto authorities is nevertheless key to averting unprecedented harm to tens of millions of women, children and innocent civilians.”
The lawmakers added that “punitive economic policies will not weaken Taliban leaders,” but rather fall heavily “on innocent Afghans who have already suffered decades of war and poverty.”
“Ongoing engagement with the Taliban to coordinate access to urgently needed hard currency can provide the necessary leverage to secure human rights improvements,” they wrote. --->READ MORE HERE
Report: Biden Administration Considers Releasing Money to Taliban:
The Afghan news agency Khaama Press, citing the BBC, reported on Tuesday that the administration of President Joe Biden may soon unfreeze Afghan government assets, allowing the Taliban to access them, in the name of helping the impoverished people of the country.
The Taliban does not currently have access to Afghan government assets in American banks. Global institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Funds (IMF) have also barred the jihadist terrorists from accessing funds that belong to the government of Afghanistan. The formal government of Afghanistan collapsed in August, however, leaving Taliban terror leaders in charge of the country.
The Taliban took over Afghanistan, storming the capital Kabul, on August 15, shortly after Biden abruptly ordered the withdrawal of all American forces from the country. Under predecessor Donald Trump, Washington had agreed to a deal with the Taliban that would have seen the 20-year Afghan War end in May 2021. Biden broke the deal, extending the war and angering the Taliban, which took Biden’s extension of the war as a license to engage in a nationwide conquest campaign that ended with then-President Ashraf Ghani fleeing Kabul, reportedly in a helicopter carrying $169 million in cash.
No country around the world has formally recognized the Taliban terrorist group as the government of Afghanistan. Rogue states like China, Russia, and Iran, however, have begun referring to the Taliban as the “de facto” government and funding its success. China and Russia, in particular, have vocally demanded that the United States fund the Taliban terrorists, insisting that doing so is necessary to ensure the survival of the Afghan people. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow link below to a related story:

UN pitches paying $6M for security to Taliban unit whose chief is wanted by the FBI

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