Friday, December 24, 2021

COVID Crooks: The Most Outrageous Relief Fund Scammers Busted So Far; Secret Service Says Pandemic Fraud Totals Nearly $100 BILLION, and other C-Virus related stories

NY Post
COVID crooks: The most outrageous relief fund scammers busted so far
These COVID crooks are getting a jab of justice.
Nearly $100 billion of COVID relief funds has been defrauded across the United States since the pandemic began, the Secret Service announced Tuesday, adding that there are almost 1,000 separate investigations into these startling financial frauds.
Two high profile athletes have already been cuffed for the crime: US Olympic speedskater Allison Marie Baver is accused of ripping off $10 million, as well as former New York Jets wide receiver and onetime millionaire Kenbrell Thompkins, whose damages are in the hundreds of thousands.
There have also been plenty of “average Joe” perps getting busted after spending their lavish relief dough on trivial purchases, such as flashy cars or rare, five-figure Pokémon cards (both true, real examples, sadly). Gotta catch ’em all, right?
A group of deceitful dingbats in Brooklyn were even found out after posing online with some $2 million of ill-begotten relief funds.
Read on for the most ridiculous, and egregious, COVID relief scammers that have been caught — so far. --->READ MORE HERE
AP Photo/Ng Han Guan
Secret Service says pandemic fraud totals nearly $100 billion:
The government has sent nearly $100 billion to fraudsters who filed bogus claims for COVID-19 pandemic benefits, the Secret Service said Tuesday, as it belatedly announced a national coordinator to oversee its investigative efforts.
Nearly two years after the coronavirus first slammed the U.S., the agency said its early focus on policing protective equipment fraud is giving way to investigations into the trillions of dollars Congress has allocated for relief — and the fraudsters who have scooped up much of it.
The Secret Service also acknowledged the role of criminal syndicates outside the U.S. that have been particularly active in trying to steal money. The Washington Times highlighted the issue in a report last month.
“Every state has been hit, some harder than others. The Secret Service is hitting the ground running, trying to recover everything we can, including funds stolen from both federal and state programs,” said Roy Dotson, the assistant special agent in charge who was tapped to be the coordinator of the agency’s anti-fraud effort.
The agency said more than 900 criminal investigations are active. So far, it has seized more than $1.2 billion in fraudulent payments and reversed more than $2.3 billion in automatic payments.
That is a small fraction of the agency’s estimate of the nearly $100 billion in total fraud, which is well below other estimates. --->READ MORE HERE
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