Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Report: Hunter Biden Profited from Joe Biden Losing Energy Race with Communist China; Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped China Gain Control of Electric-Car Mineral; His Private Equity Firm Facilitated $3.8 Billion Chinese Purchase Of American-Owned Cobalt Mine

AP Photo/Nati Harnik
Report: Hunter Biden Profited from Joe Biden Losing Energy Race with Communist China:
Hunter Biden profited from helping a Chinese firm acquire cobalt mines from an American company, according to a report released just days after President Joe Biden admitted the United States is “losing our edge” on Communist China in control of the essential natural resource.
“We risked losing our edge as a nation, and China and the rest of the world are catching up,” Biden admitted last week.
Communist China controls much of the raw minerals needed to create clean energy. A mineral named cobalt is specifically in high demand because it is used for the production of battery-powered vehicles.
While electric cars are highly subsidized by the United States government in order to reduce “climate change,” car manufactures must deal with China to obtain batteries made from cobalt.
Cobalt is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than two-thirds of the world’s cobalt supply originates, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. --->READ MORE HERE
Stephen Yang
Hunter Biden’s firm helped China gain control of electric-car mineral: report
Hunter Biden’s investment firm helped broker a 2016 deal that gave a Chinese state-backed company control of a massive African mine rich in cobalt — a mineral essential for the production of electric car batteries.
The deal, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon during the 2020 presidential campaign, was spotlighted by the New York Times Saturday as Congress inches closer to approving President Biden’s $2 trillion social spending plan, which earmarks billions of dollars to promote electric vehicles.
In 2016, an investment firm founded by Hunter Biden with several Chinese partners was cut into a complex $3.8 billion transaction that transferred 80 percent of Congo’s Tenke Fungurum mine from an American company to Beijing-backed China Molybdenum. --->READ MORE HERE
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+++++Hunter Biden's Private Equity Firm Facilitated $3.8 Billion Chinese Purchase Of American-Owned Cobalt Mine+++++

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