Saturday, October 16, 2021

‘Mind-blowingly corrupt’: GOP Congressman Outlines ‘worst’ Parts of $3.5T Spending Bill; Only An Idiot Would Believe Congress’s Spending Spree Will Cost ‘Zero’; Biden’s Taxes Hit Americans at the Top and Bottom, and related stories

‘Mind-blowingly corrupt’: GOP congressman outlines ‘worst’ parts of $3.5T spending bill:
Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks laid out his case against President Biden and the House Democrats’ sweeping social spending bill in a memo sent to members of the largest conservative caucus in Congress on Tuesday.
The Indiana Republican said his staff dissected provisions that progressives are pushing to be in the $3.5 trillion spending package — which passed in the House Budget Committee in September but is expected to be whittled down to $2 trillion if not less after pushback from moderate Democrats.
Banks accused members across the aisle of “playing ‘hide the ball’ with the bill text” and alleged “they bring it to the floor and tout some poll numbers and scare their members into voting for it.”
Banks listed bullet points on provisions Republicans are pushing back on, arguing it, “Perpetuates a labor shortage” by continuing “welfare benefits without work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents at a time where there are 10.1 million job openings—more openings than there are people looking for work.” --->READ MORE HERE
Only An Idiot Would Believe Congress’s Spending Spree Will Cost ‘Zero’:
The Biden administration insists the spending bill independent experts believe could cost $5.5 trillion over a decade will actually cost 'zero.' Is this how stupid they think Americans are?
In recent weeks, the Biden administration has begun asserting that the spending bill independent experts believe could cost $5.5 trillion over a decade will actually cost “zero.” Putting aside the way these patronizing assertions insult voters’ intelligence, does the kernel of the Biden claim—that the Democratic reconciliation proposals will be fully paid-for—stand up to scrutiny?
In a word, hardly. Multiple elements in the history of Democrats’ last big spending bill, Obamacare, have turned it into a budget buster, suggesting that Biden’s “zero” legislation will follow the same fiscally irresponsible path.
Budget Gimmicks Galore
First, the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress employed numerous fiscal gimmicks. While drafting the bill, they delayed implementation of the bill’s main provisions from 2013 to 2014, lowering the upfront spending.
In his September 2009 speech to Congress, Barack Obama claimed his proposal “will cost around $900 billion over ten years.” Not only did the final legislation come in hundreds of billions over his claim, it also counted the law’s Medicare savings as both funding Obamacare and extending Medicare’s solvency—a budgetary trick refuted by both the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Medicare actuary.
Another Obamacare gimmick came in the CLASS Act --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories:

+++++Biden’s Taxes Hit Americans at the Top and Bottom+++++

Pelosi gripes media not helping ‘sell’ $3.5T bill

Sen. Barrasso says Dems need ‘40 different taxes’ to pay for $3.5T reconciliation bill

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