Thursday, October 7, 2021

After Sen Kyrsten Sinema Was Harrassed in Bathroom and Confronted at Airport and on Plane ... Biden[s Reaction: Sen. Sinema Harassment Over Infrastructure Vote is ‘part of the process’

Biden: Sen. Sinema harassment over infrastructure vote is ‘part of the process’:
President Biden is dismissing Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s encounter with progressive activists — who berated her and chased her into a bathroom — as “part of the process” amid the debate to pass his multitrillion-dollar infrastructure package.
Biden’s response came after he was asked Monday whether the activists crossed a line by filming the Arizona senator as she entered a bathroom stall a day earlier at the university where she lectures.
“I don’t think they’re appropriate tactics but it happens to everybody,” Biden told reporters, before letting out a laugh.
He was also asked about moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) being confronted by a group of activists on kayaks while he was on his houseboat in Washington, DC, last week.
“The only people it doesn’t happen to are people who have Secret Service standing around. So it’s part of the process,” Biden said.
Activists filmed Sinema while they accosted her in the restroom at ASU on Sunday, in an effort to pressure her to support the Dems’ $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” bill, which would provide a pathway to citizenship for many illegal immigrants. --->READ MORE HERE
Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat
The disturbing image of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., being followed into a bathroom Sunday as left-wing activists urged her to back a massive spending bill follows months of liberal media pressure against the politician.
Activists confronted Sinema in a classroom at Arizona State University in Phoenix and then filmed her walking into a bathroom and closing a stall as they told her she should back President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" package and legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants. Sinema ignored them as they spoke – the sound of a flushing toilet at one point could be heard as they continued talking.
Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., have held out on backing a $3.5-trillion social policy bill, which is in turn holding up a separate infrastructure bill as left-wing members refuse to pass one without the other. Sinema in particular has infuriated liberals in the media over bucking the White House on this and other measures this year, with the Democrat being accused of everything from being a secret Republican to an outright "enemy" of democracy. --->READ MORE HERE
Sinema confronted in airport and plane about spending bill, Green New Deal, DACA:
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., was confronted at an airport and on an airplane by people who demanded to know why she is refusing to support a pathway to citizenship or vote for President Biden's "Build Back Better" agenda.
In video that emerged Monday, Sinema was approached by Green New Deal Network chief of staff Kunoor Ojha and a small group of others at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C.
"Hi, Senator Sinema? I want to ask if you can explain to the American people what you're planning on cutting from Joe Biden's ‘Build Back Better’ plan?" Ojha asked while Sinema attempted to have a phone conversation.
"Do you want to cut climate priorities? Is it elder care that you want to cut, or is it child care?" she continued. --->READ MORE HERE
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