Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Report Warns That Identity Politics Is Weakening The Navy; 'Woke' Military "Failed Miserably" in Wargame for Taiwan; How Woke U.S. Military Leaders Make U.S. Enemies More Likely To Start A War, and related stories

Report Warns That Identity Politics Is Weakening The Navy:
The fundamental refrain was one of incompetence and destabilizing political correctness. The U.S. Navy is in dire need of toughening up.
One of the visually shocking moments, now likely lost from collective memory, was during the late Obama era in early 2016, when a group of U.S. Navy sailors were detained by the Iranian navy. Capture is part of the hazards of being in the armed forces, but what was new was footage of televised tears. Sailors and marines of the mighty American Navy were shown on Iranian TV, with one sailor weeping in fear and others divulging too much information under pressure and interrogation, according to some reports.
If a new report is to be believed, the U.S. Navy is today still in dire need of toughening up and displays the same feminization and loss of fortitude that has recently been much-lamented among other branches of our armed forces.
The structural and bureaucratic rot described in the report should ring alarm bells. Ostensibly nonpartisan, it was done with a clear methodology by a former naval officer at the behest of four members of Congress.
The report is scathing about the growing politicization of the Navy. For example, it quotes an unnamed Destroyer captain: “Where someone puts their time shows what their priorities are. And we’ve got so many messages about X, Y, Z appreciation month, or sexual assault prevention, or you name it. We don’t even have close to that same level of emphasis on actual warfighting.”
“Sometimes I think we care more about whether we have enough diversity officers than if we’ll survive a fight with the Chinese navy,” lamented another, this time a lieutenant.
“I guarantee you every unit in the Navy is up to speed on their diversity training. I’m sorry that I can’t say the same of their ship handling training,” suggested a third, this time a recently retired senior officer.
The fundamental refrain was one of incompetence and destabilizing political correctness. --->READ MORE HERE
'Woke' Military "Failed Miserably" in Wargame for Taiwan:
As the David Horowitz Freedom Center has extensively chronicled in Disloyal Military Leaders, the military leadership has descended into racist virtue signaling and woke antics even while its core warfighting capability continues to be degraded.
This ought to be another wakeup call for a military leadership that is pursuing political correctness at the expense of competence with potentially deadly results for our personnel and for our national security.
A brutal loss in a wargaming exercise last October convinced the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. John Hyten to scrap the joint warfighting concept that had guided U.S. military operations for decades. --->READ MORE HERE
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