Tuesday, June 22, 2021

University of Florida Lab Finds Dangerous Pathogens on Children’s Face Masks; The coronavirus Pandemic Wrecked Americans' Retirement Savings, and other C-Virus related stories

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University of Florida Lab Finds Dangerous Pathogens on Children’s Face Masks:
A laboratory at the University of Florida that recently analyzed a small sample of face masks detected the presence of 11 dangerous pathogens on the coverings, including bacteria that cause diphtheria, pneumonia, and meningitis.
Parents in Gainesville, Florida, who had concerns about the harm caused to their children wearing face masks throughout the school day in 90 degree Fahrenheit weather had sent six masks—five that were worn by children aged 6 to 11 for five to eight hours at school, and one worn by an adult—to be analyzed for contaminants at the University of Florida’s Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center.
Of the six coverings, three were surgical, two were cotton, and one was a polyester gaiter. Masks that haven’t been worn and a t-shirt worn at school acted as the control samples for the analysis.
Five of the masks were found to be contaminated with parasites, fungi, and bacteria, according to Rational Ground. One was found to contain a virus that can cause a fatal systemic disease in cattle and deer. Other less harmful pathogens that can cause ulcers, acne, and strep throat were also detected on the face coverings.
None of the controls were contaminated with pathogens, while “samples from the front top and bottom of the t-shirt found proteins that are commonly found in skin and hair, along with some commonly found in soil.” --->READ MORE HERE
The coronavirus pandemic wrecked Americans' retirement savings:
The coronavirus pandemic destroyed retirement plans for millions of Americans, many of whom tapped into savings accounts earlier than expected as the crisis forced an unprecedented shutdown of the nation's economy.
While most Americans expect to retire around age 66, a new study published by Real Estate Witch this week found that some 40% of baby boomers had put their retirement plans on hold due to the pandemic.
About 35% of survey respondents said they tapped their retirement savings in order to make ends meet during the pandemic, spending roughly 44% of what they had squirreled away. Boomers said they spent slightly more, reporting that 46% of their savings had been used during the pandemic.
"Boomers who plan to retire within the next decade face the steep challenge of making up for severe shortfalls in their retirement funds," the study said. --->READ MORE HERE
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YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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