Friday, December 18, 2020

Deep State Pushes to Deep-Six Intelligence Report Demonstrating Chinese Interference in 2020 Election; They’re Screwing Trump AGAIN!

WANG ZHAO/AFP via Getty Images
Deep State Pushes to Deep-Six Intelligence Report Demonstrating Chinese Interference in 2020 Election:
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is considering not signing an intelligence report to Congress if it does not accurately reflect an ongoing debate among intelligence community career analysts over Chinese attempts to influence American voters in the 2020 election, according to a source familiar with the issue.
The intelligence report on foreign efforts to influence the 2020 election is due to Congress on Friday, but Ratcliffe is concerned it will not accurately reflect the debate among senior intelligence community analysts as to the extent of China’s influence operations during the election, according to the source.
There is allegedly “ample” raw intelligence about China’s intentions and actions related to the election, with more intelligence reporting coming in everyday. Some of the influence operations include social media campaigns seeking to amplify messages such as that President Donald Trump is a white supremacist.
However, senior career analysts disagree on the significance of those influence operations. Some analysts argue that they were minimal or ultimately not acted on, while others say it is extensive and far more than previously known. The disagreement includes whether there should be a China section in the report, according to the source.--->READ MORE HERE
They’re Screwing Trump AGAIN! — DNI Notified “By Career Intelligence Officials” That They WILL NOT MEET December 18 Deadline on Foreign Threats in 2020 Election!:
... DNI Ratcliffe was scheduled to release his explosive report on Friday. But the Deep State just blocked it. They screwed Trump again.
They are not going to release this report on foreign interference on time.
The DNI Twitter page broke the news less than an hour ago.
Read the full story HERE

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