Saturday, November 7, 2020

Some good news: Fake news outlets will continue to lose audiences after election; Mainstream Media Outlets Are Starting To Wonder If There's Life For Their Ratings After Trump

Greg Groesch/The Washington Times
Some good news: Fake news outlets will continue to lose audiences after election:
When this commentary is published, we will not yet know who won the presidential race. Rather than add to the stress, here is some good news to make your life a bit happier.
There had been an EU report that because of climate change, rising sea levels would cause many of the world’s beaches to vanish. The good news is that a new study shows the earlier study was wrong and most of the world’s beaches are not going to disappear. In fact, the news is even better:
“An analysis of satellite derived shoreline data indicates that 24% of the world’s sandy beaches are eroding at rates exceeding 0.5m/yr. while 28% are accreting (getting bigger) and 48% are stable.” Beachgoers rejoice! As an aside, it has also been reported that some of the beaches on the east coast of Florida have been eroding and occasionally need replenishing (some of them were artificial to begin with, like much of Miami Beach) while, at the same time, a number of the beaches on the West Coast of Florida have been getting wider.
But there is even better and more useful good news — the world may not experience much of the annual winter flu this year. A reporter by the name of Ross Clark writes: “A paper in the Lancet, led by the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, analyses this year’s influenza season — and observes that it is was virtually non-existent.” (Remember the Southern Hemisphere winter season precedes the Northern Hemisphere by six months.) --->READ MORE HERE
Mainstream Media Outlets Are Starting To Wonder If There's Life For Their Ratings After Trump:
As much as the mainstream media has spent the last 4 years doing nothing but pointing out the faults of, and generally harassing President Trump, there would likely be a good portion of the media that would be sorry to see him go, should he lose the 2020 election.
And that is the stage many media companies, including Fox News and the New York Times, are pondering now: what would ratings be like - and what would life be like - if President Trump isn't around for four more years?
Early indications seem to show that the viewing public could be ready for a change, however, even if news organizations aren't. Vice President Joe Biden posted better ratings than Trump in October for both candidates' town halls, Bloomberg reports. Additionally, articles on Biden online - which are far more positive and ubiquitous than articles on Trump - have gotten "higher engagement per story" than those about Trump. --->READ MORE HERE

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