Monday, November 9, 2020

President Trump’s Diverse Coalition Buried Obama’s Race-Baiting Politics

After four years of being accused of every form of bigotry on earth (and some that have yet to be discovered), Republicans brought home the largest share of non-white voters since 1960.
The last time Republicans had numbers like these, Democrats were the segregationist party.
The Democrat plan to turn Texas red depended on organizing Latino voters. Instead Latino voters handed Trump entire counties while white suburbanites voted for Biden. The Black Lives Matter movement was meant to boost black turnout, instead black support for Trump grew.
The Colorado counties that shifted to Trump were majority Latino.
31% of Latinos, 30% of Asian Americans, and 12% of black people voted for Trump. Among black men, a shockingly unprecedented 18%, or nearly 1 in 5, cast their votes for him.
And,significantly, in the ‘Other’ category of people who are not white, but don’t fit into one of these categories on account of either being mixed race or another minority, 40% voted Trump.
28% of people who identify as gay, lesbian or transgender also voted for him.
In Florida, 47% of Latinos and 43% of Jews voted for Trump.
A coalition of working class Americans of all races, colors, and creeds flipped House seats and handed entire states to President Trump. They did it because they put the economy first and identity politics last. After four years of false accusations of racism, the Trump campaign emerged with the most multicultural Republican coalition in generations. In some ways, ever.
President Trump gained ground with every minority group, but lost ground with white people. The only group of white people that Biden won a majority with were college educated men.
That’s because racism accusations only really work on white people. Educated white people. And no one feels guiltier than the ultimate enemy of all that is wholly diverse: the white male.
Minority groups may vote in blocs, they may vote for candidates out of ethnic or racial pride, and they may vote against others because they sense or suspect hostility, but four years of racism accusations in the media not only didn’t shrink Trump’s minority vote share, but increased it.
Read more from Daniel Greenfield HERE

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