Thursday, August 22, 2019

Yes, Immigrants Should Be Less Dependent On U.S. Welfare, And So Should Everyone Else

The Trump administration announced long-awaited “public charge” immigration regulations this week, and the furor immediately kicked up to derangement level. Reason’s Shikha Dalmia called the policy a “complete abuse of the original understanding” of the law.
In the Washington Post, opinion writer Paul Waldman said the policy sends a message: “We hate you and we don’t want you here, and if you come we will treat you with all the cruelty we can muster.” CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin went so far as to call the proposed regulation “un-American.”
There is very little nuance left in political discourse. Every administration policy is said to be the key to saving America or the final step in dooming it, depending on your point of view. But immigration regulation of this sort has been a part of our laws for more than a century, and is based on legal theories that predate the founding of the republic.
The administration’s policy shifts the guidelines slightly, but remains well within the historical mainstream. Our theory of immigration law has not changed; our ideas about work and the welfare state have. No, We Won’t Take Your Criminals
No, We Won’t Take Your Criminals
From the beginning of America’s colonial period, the colonies’ governments were concerned about the arrival of immigrants from Europe who were not able to support themselves. While the colonies craved immigrants, they knew the people they needed were those who would build the new societies being created on these shores.
This was contrary to the will of the British Crown, which saw America as a convenient dumping ground for the poor, the criminal, and anyone else seen by high society as a problem. The colonies were struggling—and kept that way by Britain’s mercantile system—so the prospect of supporting more people was not feasible.
Read the rest from Kyle Sammin HERE at The Federalist.

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