Monday, August 19, 2019

What's the Problem With Asking Immigrants to Contribute Instead of Going on Welfare?

In the Age of Derangement, even the  most common sense statements by Republicans that violate lefty dogma lead to lefties trying to defend the indefensible.
Like bringing immigrants to this country who will feed off taxpayers.
The sensible lefty rebuttal to this would be the usual raft of misleading claims about immigrants starting businesses. (Those statistics represent a minority of immigrants, and most of them are Russian Jews and Asians, not the migrants illegally crossing the border to get freebies in LA and Maine.)
Ken Cuccinelli, the USCIS acting director, got the ball rolling by trolling lefties with a rewrite.
Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, was asked by NPR whether the words of Emma Lazarus' “The New Colossus,” inscribed on a bronze tablet exhibited in the museum at the statue's base, remain "part of the American ethos."
"They certainly are," Cuccinelli said. "Give me your tired and your poor — who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge."
Cuccinelli's comments come after the administration announced Monday a "public charge" regulation allowing federal officials to deny green cards to legal immigrants who have received certain public benefits or who are deemed likely to do so in the future.
Can anyone seriously argue with this?
Read the rest from Daniel Greenfield HERE.

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