Friday, August 30, 2019

The Inconvenient Truth About Public Charge Provisions of Immigration Laws

There are two broad categories of lies that could be referred to as crimes of commission and crimes of omission.
The crime of commission is when facts are blatantly misrepresented, while the crime of omission involves leaving out relevant information, for example, when statements are taken out of context or relevant information is left out of the report.
These tactics have become commonplace and routine particularly when the mainstream media reports on the Trump administration and also when it reports on issues pertaining to immigration.
When the Trump administration promulgates policies that impact immigration, synergy kicks in and the truth is likely nowhere to be found.
Over a century ago a popular expression, the streets are paved with gold, drew immigrants to the United States who were determined to strike it rich in America. When they got here they found that the streets were paved, not with gold, but with cobblestones that came from the cargo holds of ships that used those cobblestones as ballast.
Back then the cargo holds of the merchant ships that arrived at America’s ports were filled with cobblestones that served as ballast to keep those ships stable on the voyage to the United States. Once here, those stones were off-loaded and all sorts of products that were made in America replaced the cobblestones in the cargo holds of those ships that returned to their original ports with merchandise to be sold.
The cobblestones were used to pave the roads of the port cities.
Nevertheless the immigrants who came to America worked hard and earned a living and built their futures in our nation. None of them expected, nor received a “free ride.”
You could say that rather than being paved with gold, the streets were paved with blood, sweat and tears of the immigrants.
With their new-found freedom to worship and to pursue their dreams, many succeeded in building successful and happy lives in the United States.
Read the rest from Michael Cutler HERE.

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