Thursday, August 29, 2019

President Trump’s 17 Immigration Fixes That Are Cutting Illegal Crossings

The Trump administration’s change, announced Wednesday, to end “catch-and-release” immigration is the 17th initiative announced this year alone — moves that are leading to a decrease in illegal crossings.
“We’re hitting it in the target zone,” acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services Director Ken Cuccinelli told Secrets from the Texas border.
“Absence of congressional action, the Department of Homeland Security is taking steps,” he added.
In fact, with today’s move to side-step the controversial Flores Settlement Ruling that requires the release of illegals after 20 days, the administration has unveiled 17 reforms to the immigration system that officials credit for the reduction in crossings and apprehensions on the southern border.
“These are so successful in pushing the numbers down,” said Cuccinelli. But, he added, there remains a huge job to cut the numbers further.
Our new policy on public charge will determine whether you are inadmissible to the United States based on your likelihood at any time in the future of receiving public benefits over the designated threshold amount. Get the facts here:
— USCIS (@USCIS) August 14, 2019
While the timing of recent major initiatives have come while Congress is on recess, he said that the changes have been in the works for a while and have gone through public comment periods.
“It is not a quick snap decision,” said Cuccinelli. “These things have been in the works for a long time.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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