Tuesday, August 27, 2019

India Has More than 630,000 ILLEGALS in the United States

Sandy Huffaker/Getty
Two Indians have been sent to jail for just three years after smuggling hundreds of Indians into the United States.
Hema Patel, 51, worked with Mexican coyotes and charged $28,000 to $60,000 to bring individuals across the Canadian and Mexican borders. When the illegals were caught, she also used her Texas bail-bonds business to spring her clients from detention, according to an ICE press release.
Patel and her business partner, Chandresh Kumar Patel, were both sent to jail for three years. Patel also had to give up her Texas house, two hotels, $7.2 million in bail bonds, $400,000 in cash and 11 gold bars, the ICE statement said.
The case spotlights the growing number of Indian workers and family members who are working illegally in the United States or are trying to smuggle themselves into the United States.
The growing numbers of illegal-immigrant Indians hope to hide among the growing number of legal Indian immigrants. For example, the illegals can take jobs in retail, service, and restaurants serving the legal Indian population.
Roughly 4 million Indians live in the United States. Roughly half are contract workers or are the spouses and children of the contract workers. At least one-sixth — or roughly 630,000 — are illegals.
A June 2019 report by the Pew Research Center said India is now the leading source of legal migrants into the United States:
More than 1 million immigrants arrive in the U.S. each year. In 2017, the top country of origin for new immigrants coming into the U.S. was India, with 126,000 people, followed by Mexico (124,000), China (121,000) and Cuba (41,000). 
In 2016, the Pew Research Center reported that Indians are also the fast-growing group of illegal migrants. The population of Indian illegals spiked from 350,000 in 2009 to 500,000 in 2014. Their 130 percent growth far outpaced other countries — but it has since been supplanted since 2017 by the massive wave of migrants from Central America.
“The [illegal immigrant] population from India increased by 265,000, or 72 percent, from 2010 to 2017,” said a report by the Center for Migration Studies. The estimate puts the Indian illegal population at 630,000 people in 2017, including roughly 250,000 Indians who overstayed their tourist or work visas.
Another 40,000 Indians overstayed their visas in 2018.
Read the rest from Neil Munro HERE.

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