Friday, August 9, 2019

ICE Arrested 680 in Raid at Mississippi Food Processing Plants ... THEN FREES 300!

What the hell is the point of the raids if you're going to turn around and do this? ' ...270 illegal workers were released after being processed by federal officials with the expectation that they will return to immigration court. ...' You're kidding right?
About 300 of the 680 illegal aliens arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency at Mississippi food processing plants on Wednesday were released the same day on “humanitarian grounds,” officials confirm.
This week, ICE raided seven food processing plants across Mississippi, arresting a total of 680 illegal workers in the largest single-state operation in United States history and the largest workplace enforcement raid in 11 years, Breitbart News reported.
The same day, though, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and ICE confirmed that about 300 illegal workers were released back into the U.S. on “humanitarian grounds.” The Clarion Ledger first reported their release.
ICE spokesman Bryan Cox confirmed to Breitbart News that the 300 illegal workers released “were placed into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts and will have a court date at a future time.”
In a news release, law enforcement officials said ICE agents “concluded their processing of detained aliens last night and followed their procedures by releasing many on humanitarian grounds.”
Specifically, roughly 30 of the illegal workers arrested by ICE were released on humanitarian grounds while an additional 270 illegal workers were released after being processed by federal officials with the expectation that they will return to immigration court.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Got to be kidding me. This whole immigration mess is contrived by lawyers & judges. Trump vs Congress vs Courts is one huge ripoff smokescrren to the masses, keeping them ignorant - confused - divided. Civil War coming fast. Many assassinations. Constitution suspended until illegals & Muslims GONE via deportation or execution.