Sunday, July 14, 2019

What ‘plummet’? Border numbers still well above level of ‘system-wide emergency’

John Moore/Getty Images
Just how accustomed have we become to the new normal of open borders? In March, when 92,840 people were apprehended between ports of entry at the border, including 53,208 family unit members, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) referred to it as a “system-wide emergency.” Now, after preliminary data show the numbers are off the peak of May, back “down” to 95,500 total apprehensions and 57,300 family unit members, it is reported as a major breakthrough.
Has the Overton window shifted so far to the Left on this issue that the media will successfully acculturate us to tolerate this level of illegal immigration, especially the shutdown of our Border Patrol, caring for immigrants rather than protecting Americans, as the new normal?
While it is true that the numbers are down 28 percent from the unfathomable peak of the May numbers, when over 132,000 were apprehended between ports of entry, the June numbers still sit at roughly the April levels, which themselves reflected a high-water mark, with month-over-month increases for a year and a half.
At this point, it’s not yet clear whether May represented a new baseline or just an aberration with a number of huge groups coming in at once. Now, with the hotter weather, when numbers usually drop anyway, maintaining the level of illegal immigration from March/April still represents a 44 percent increase over the levels we were seeing in February, when the president declared a national emergency.
Thus, the June border numbers, without a further trajectory change, are more akin to a slight market correction the day after the stock market reaches its highest level, but still well into uncharted waters.
While it is true that some actions taken by the Mexican government might have dissuaded more migrants from crossing into Mexico since President Trump secured an agreement with President Lopez Obrador in early June, it is unlikely that the Mexican government has the desire or the ability to permanently bend the trajectory until we change the policies of executive and judicial amnesty from our side of the border. The bottom line is that the cartels make too much money off human smuggling and will not allow Mexico’s national guard to take a bite out of that revenue without a massive civil war.
Read the rest from Daniel Horowitz HERE.

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